L. Cui


Tiangeng You, L. Cui, Zhuang-zhi Cong, 2019, Biochemical and biophysical research communications.

Jun-hua Lu, Weiping Zhou, Ai-Jun Li, 2014, International journal of surgery case reports.

Yuan Yang, Weiping Zhou, Ai-Jun Li, 2008, Pediatric Surgery International.

Ai-Jun Li, L. Cui, Teng Zhao, 2016, Cancer biomarkers : section A of Disease markers.

T. Pawlik, Senlin Ma, Ai-Jun Li, 2016, Medicine.

Mengchao Wu, L. Cui, Xin-wei Yang, 2018, International journal of clinical and experimental pathology.

Ai-Jun Li, L. Cui, Teng Zhao, 2016, Cancer biomarkers : section A of Disease markers.