Ehsan Noei


Eleni Stroulia, Ehsan Noei, Kelly A. Lyons, 2019, Conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research.

Ying Zou, Ehsan Noei, Feng Zhang, 2019, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.

Ying Zou, Ehsan Noei, Daniel Alencar da Costa, 2018, ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE.

Ying Zou, Ehsan Noei, Iman Keivanloo, 2017, Empirical Software Engineering.

Shaohua Wang, Ying Zou, Ehsan Noei, 2019, Empirical Software Engineering.

Ehsan Noei, Kelly A. Lyons, Kelly Lyons, 2021, Empirical Software Engineering.

Ehsan Noei, Shankar Vembu, Kelly A. Lyons, 2021, International Journal on Digital Libraries.