H. Rhoda


B. Sels, E. Solomon, R. Schoonheydt, 2022, Chemical reviews.

B. Sels, E. Solomon, R. Schoonheydt, 2021, Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering.

V. Nemykin, C. Ziegler, H. Rhoda, 2016, Journal of organometallic chemistry.

V. Nemykin, C. Ziegler, H. Rhoda, 2015, Dalton Transactions.

V. Nemykin, Joshua Akhigbe, C. Brückner, 2016, The journal of physical chemistry. A.

K. Hodgson, B. Sels, E. Alp, 2018, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

M. Dusselier, B. Sels, E. Solomon, 2021, Journal of the American Chemical Society.

K. Hodgson, B. Sels, E. Alp, 2018, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

B. Sels, E. Solomon, R. Schoonheydt, 2021, Science.

J. Canadell, R. Jackson, S. Fuss, 2021, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A.

B. Sels, V. Van Speybroeck, E. Solomon, 2021, Nature Catalysis.