I. Codita


E. Koudoumas, M. Suchea, I. Codita, 2019, Functional Nanostructured Interfaces for Environmental and Biomedical Applications.

H. Grundmann, M. Damian, A. Rafila, 2015, PloS one.

L. Schouls, M. Monaco, K. Hopkins, 2020, Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin.

C. Wolz, F. Vandenesch, A. Friedrich, 2018, The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy.

I. Codita, 1993, Bacteriologia, virusologia, parazitologia, epidemiologia.

E. Petinaki, A. Kearns, E. Tacconelli, 2017, The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy.

E. Dobre, I. Codita, E. Drăgulescu, 2010, Roumanian archives of microbiology and immunology.

I. Codita, E. Drăgulescu, I. Coldea, 2010, Roumanian archives of microbiology and immunology.

A. Rafila, G. Popescu, O. Dorobăț, 2013, BMC Infectious Diseases.

D. Spandidos, R. Ionescu, V. Bojinca, 2019, Experimental and therapeutic medicine.