S. Brissette


Martin T Schechter, M. Schechter, A. Anis, 2009, The New England journal of medicine.

E. Stip, J. Bruneau, Violaine Mongeau-Pérusse, 2022, Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior.

M. Schechter, A. Anis, D. Guh, 2010, Journal of clinical epidemiology.

N. Bansback, M. Schechter, A. Anis, 2012, Canadian Medical Association Journal.

M. Bilodeau, R. Moirand, J. Bruneau, 2007, Canadian journal of gastroenterology = Journal canadien de gastroenterologie.

D. Jutras-Aswad, S. Brissette, A. Thibault, 2015, Addiction Science & Clinical Practice.

R. Butterworth, M. D'Amour, S. Brissette, 2000, Addiction biology.

S. Brissette, 2001, Canadian HIV/AIDS policy & law review.

M. Schechter, A. Anis, D. Guh, 2019, Journal of substance abuse treatment.

J. Rehm, N. el-Guebaly, S. Brochu, 2004, Canadian Medical Association Journal.

M. Schechter, A. Anis, D. Guh, 2010, Canadian journal of public health = Revue canadienne de sante publique.

J. Rehm, N. el-Guebaly, T. Wild, 2005, Canadian journal of psychiatry. Revue canadienne de psychiatrie.

J. Rehm, E. Wood, B. Le Foll, 2023, Journal of substance use and addiction treatment.

J. Rehm, N. el-Guebaly, T. Wild, 2006, Canadian journal of public health = Revue canadienne de sante publique.

M. Schechter, A. Anis, D. Guh, 2011, Drug and alcohol dependence.

F. Leri, N. el-Guebaly, T. Wild, 2005, Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology.

B. Le Foll, D. Jutras-Aswad, M. Socías, 2022, Canadian journal of psychiatry. Revue canadienne de psychiatrie.

M. Schechter, A. Anis, D. Guh, 2014, Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy.

M. Schechter, A. Anis, D. Guh, 2009, The New England journal of medicine.

R. Godbout, J. Montplaisir, S. Brissette, 1985, Biological Psychiatry.

M. Schechter, A. Anis, D. Guh, 2011, Drug and alcohol dependence.