Torkel Richert


B. Svensson, Björn Johnson, Torkel Richert, 2020, Journal of Family Violence.

Björn Johnson, Torkel Richert, 2013, Harm Reduction Journal.

J. Nordgren, B. Svensson, Björn Johnson, 2021, Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy.

Johan Nordgren, Torkel Richert, 2022, Nordic Social Work Research.

Björn Johnson, Torkel Richert, 2014, Journal of psychoactive drugs.

B. Svensson, Björn Johnson, Torkel Richert, 2018, International Review of Victimology.

Torkel Richert, Mikael Dahlberg, Mats Anderberg, 2020, Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy.

B. Svensson, Björn Johnson, Torkel Richert, 2021, Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research.

J. Nordgren, B. Svensson, Björn Johnson, 2019, Journal of Family Issues.

Torkel Richert, Olivia Liahaugen Flensburg, Marie Väfors Fritz, 2022, Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy.

Anke Stallwitz, Johan Nordgren, Torkel Richert, 2022, The International journal on drug policy.

B. Svensson, Björn Johnson, Torkel Richert, 2019, Nordisk alkohol- & narkotikatidskrift : NAT.