C. Odoroff


Stephen E. Fienberg, Frederick Mosteller, Paul W. Holland, 1977 .

Anthony E. Lang, Stanley Fahn, Joseph H. Friedman, 1989, The New England journal of medicine.

S. Kunitz, J. Slocumb, C. Odoroff, 1975, American journal of obstetrics and gynecology.

J. L. Frierson, C. Honig, C. Odoroff, 1982, The American journal of physiology.

C. Honig, C. Odoroff, C. R. Honig, 1981, The American journal of physiology.

C. Odoroff, J. Boyle, S. Kunitz, 1969, Public health reports.

J. Fleiss, J. Miller, L. Kuller, 1983, The New England journal of medicine.

C. Honig, C. Odoroff, J. Bourdeau-Martini, 1974, The American journal of physiology.

S. Kunitz, C. Odoroff, S. Simic, 1987, Social science & medicine.

R. Poe, M. Kallay, C. Odoroff, 1984, Chest.

S. Kunitz, C. Odoroff, J. Levy, 1971, Quarterly journal of studies on alcohol.

C. Odoroff, H. Babigian, 1969, The American journal of psychiatry.

A. Moss, C. Odoroff, J. Decamilla, 1981, Circulation.

C L Odoroff, J. L. Frierson, C. Odoroff, 1980, The American journal of physiology.

C. Odoroff, L. Henquell, C. R. Honig, 1977, Circulation research.

T. Therneau, J. Fleiss, J. Bigger, 1987, Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy.

J. Bigger, A. Moss, J. Bigger, 1987, Progress in cardiovascular diseases.

P. Griner, L. Raisz, P. Wiesner, 1971, Annals of internal medicine.

K R Gabriel, C L Odoroff, K. R. Gabriel, 1990, Statistics in medicine.

C. Odoroff, L. Henquell, C. R. Honig, 1976, The American journal of physiology.

J. Amatruda, C. Odoroff, Paul S. Strumph, 1988, Clinical pediatrics.

Charles L. Odoroff, Mark A. Espeland, M. Espeland, 1985 .

S. Kunitz, J. Slocumb, C. Odoroff, 1979, Public health reports.