A. Capel


A. Capel, J. Ferrante, J. Cornet, 1982, 1982 IEEE Power Electronics Specialists conference.

A. Capel, R. Rodriguez, C. Peyrotte, 1990, 21st Annual IEEE Conference on Power Electronics Specialists.

A. Capel, R. Prajoux, J.G. Ferrante, 1975, 1975 IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference.

A. Capel, D. O'Sullivan, 1985, 1985 IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference (ESA SP-230).

A. Capel, P. Perol, A. Capel, 2001, 2001 IEEE 32nd Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference (IEEE Cat. No.01CH37230).

A. Ferreres, Ausias Garrigos, Enrique Maset, 2002 .

M. Clique, A. Capel, A.J. Fossard, 1977, 1977 IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference.

A. Capel, D. O'Sullivan, G. Ferrante, 1978, 1978 IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference.

A. Capel, J.G. Ferrante, 1981, 1981 IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference.

A. Capel, J. Ferrante, H. Owen, 1976, 1970 IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference.

D. O'Sullivan, A. Capel, W.J.A. Teulings, 1993, Proceedings of IEEE Power Electronics Specialist Conference - PESC '93.

A. Capel, 1998, PESC 98 Record. 29th Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference (Cat. No.98CH36196).

A. Capel, S. Defoug, 1999, ISIE '99. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (Cat. No.99TH8465).

A. Capel, R. Prajoux, J.G. Ferrante, 1977, 1977 IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference.

A. Capel, 2001, 2001 IEEE 32nd Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference (IEEE Cat. No.01CH37230).

M. Valentin, A. Capel, J. Jalade, 1983, INTELEC '83 - Fifth International Telecommunications Energy Conference.

M. Valentin, A. Capel, J.C Marpinard, 1985, 1985 IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference.

M. Valentin, A. Capel, J. Jalade, 1982, 1982 IEEE Power Electronics Specialists conference.

A. Capel, William B. Collins, Robert E. Corbett, 1978 .

A. Capel, 1972, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems.