Barry Smith


William D. Duncan, Travis Allen, Jonathan P. Bona, 2016, ICBO/BioCreative.

Cui Tao, Xiaoqin Zhang, Yu Lin, 2014, J. Biomed. Semant..

Werner Ceusters, Barry Smith, Shahid Manzoor, 2009 .

Barry Smith, Pierre Grenon, Barry Smith, 2004, Spatial Cogn. Comput..

William D. Duncan, Barry Smith, Erik Thomsen, 2014, STIDS.

Werner Ceusters, Barry Smith, Peter L. Elkin, 2007, Int. J. Medical Informatics.

Barry Smith, Mauricio Barcellos Almeida, Anna Barbara de Freitas Carneiro Proietti, 2011, ICBO.

Barry Smith, Christopher A. Welty, 2001, FOIS.

Michael Schroeder, Barry Smith, Mark A. Musen, 2007, Towards Interoperability of Biomedical Ontologies.

Barry Smith, Thomas Bittner, Barry Smith, 2001, COSIT.

Manolis Tsiknakis, Martin Doerr, Mathias Brochhausen, 2008, OTM Workshops.

Barry Smith, Maureen Donnelly, Barry Smith, 2003, COSIT.

Rahul Rai, Barry Smith, J. Neil Otte, 2019, Comput. Ind..

Werner Ceusters, Kent A. Spackman, Barry Smith, 2007, AMIA.

Barry Smith, Barry Smith, 1995, COSIT.

Antony Galton, Nicola Guarino, Leo Obrst, 2011, Appl. Ontology.

Barry Smith, Peter L. Elkin, Mauricio Barcellos Almeida, 2016, AMIA.

Werner Ceusters, Barry Smith, Anand Kumar, 2004, MedInfo.

Barry Smith, Linda Elmhadhbi, Mohamed Hedi Karray, 2020, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management.

Werner Ceusters, Barry Smith, W. Ceusters, 2018, MIE.

David M. Mark, Barry Smith, Barbara Tversky, 1999, COSIT.

Werner Ceusters, Barry Smith, Janna Hastings, 2011, CONTEXT.

Werner Ceusters, Barry Smith, W. Ceusters, 2006, MIE.

Stefan Schulz, Udo Hahn, Barry Smith, 2005, AMIA.

Barry Smith, José L. V. Mejino, Landon Fridman Detwiler, 2005, AMIA.

Barry Smith, Niels Grewe, Ludger Jansen, 2016, JOWO@FOIS.

Barry Smith, Pierre Grenon, Barry Smith, 2011, Synthese.

Barry Smith, Cornelius Rosse, Anand Kumar, 2005, Comparative and functional genomics.

Barry Smith, James Matthew Fielding, Jonathan Simon, 2004 .

Dimitris Kiritsis, Rahul Rai, Barry Smith, 2019, Appl. Ontology.

Werner Ceusters, Barry Smith, W. Ceusters, 2005, MIE.

Barry Smith, Maureen Donnelly, Thomas Bittner, 2004, AI Commun..

Tien Pham, Barry Smith, Brian Donohue, 2015, STIDS.

Werner Ceusters, Barry Smith, Chiun Yu Hsu, 2014, ICBO.

Barry Smith, Jonathan Simon, James Matthew Fielding, 2006, Int. J. Medical Informatics.

Jian Zhang, Cathy H. Wu, Olivia Helfer, 2013, Nucleic Acids Res..

Jessica A. Turner, Russell A. Poldrack, Mark Jensen, 2014, Front. Neuroinform..

Metin Nafi Gürcan, Barry Smith, Alan Ruttenberg, 2017, J. Biomed. Informatics.

Alfred O. Hero, Yu Lin, Barry Smith, 2014, ICBO.

Barry Smith, José Maria Parente de Oliveira, Barry Smith, 2017, WorldCIST.

Barry Smith, Barry Smith, 1994 .

Jian Zhang, Cathy H. Wu, William D. Duncan, 2016, Nucleic Acids Res..

Martin Boeker, Stefan Schulz, Holger Stenzhorn, 2008, J. Univers. Comput. Sci..

Barry Smith, José Maria Parente de Oliveira, Barry Smith, 2017, ONTOBRAS.

Werner Ceusters, Barry Smith, W. Ceusters, 2015, ICBO.

Olivier Bodenreider, Barry Smith, Anita Burgun, 2004, Formal ontology in information systems : proceedings of the ... International Conference. FOIS.

Eugene Zhang, Xu Xu, Barry Smith, 2016, ICBO/BioCreative.

Dimitris Kiritsis, Evan K. Wallace, Barry Smith, 2018, APMS.

Werner Ceusters, Barry Smith, Jim Flanagan, 2003 .

Bjoern Peters, Barry Smith, Alan Ruttenberg, 2009 .

Barry Smith, Igor Papakin, Katherine Munn, 2003, AIME.

Barry Smith, Cornelius Rosse, Barry Smith, 2004, MedInfo.

Barry Smith, Jobst Landgrebe, Barry Smith, 2011, ICBO.

Barry Smith, Barry Smith, 2013, VDOS+DO@ICBO.

Barry Smith, Jobst Landgrebe, Barry Smith, 2019, Synthese.

Werner Ceusters, Barry Smith, W. Ceusters, 2007, I3.

Barry Smith, Barry Smith, 1995, Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud..

Werner Ceusters, Barry Smith, James Matthew Fielding, 2004, DILS.

Werner Ceusters, Barry Smith, Jean-Luc Verschelde, 2004, J. Integr. Bioinform..

Barry Smith, Barry Smith, 1996, Data Knowl. Eng..

Werner Ceusters, Barry Smith, John Eisner, 2005, MIE.

Christiane Fellbaum, Udo Hahn, Barry Smith, 2006, J. Biomed. Informatics.

Barry Smith, Thomas Bittner, 2003, Spatial Cogn. Comput..

Werner Ceusters, Barry Smith, 2015, MIE.

Barry Smith, Thomas Bittner, Barry Smith, 2001, FOIS.

Barry Smith, Lindsay G. Cowell, Albert Goldfain, 2010, FOIS.

Barry Smith, James Schoening, Peter Morosoff, 2013, STIDS.

Barry Smith, Anand Kumar, Barry Smith, 2005, AIME.

Barry Smith, Erik Thomsen, Barry Smith, 2018, Appl. Ontology.

Leo Obrst, Werner Ceusters, Inderjeet Mani, 2006 .

Hongfang Liu, Cathy H. Wu, Barry Smith, 2009, BMC Bioinformatics.

Werner Ceusters, Barry Smith, Georges De Moor, 2009, MIE.

Werner Ceusters, Barry Smith, W. Ceusters, 2010, Appl. Ontology.

Werner Ceusters, Barry Smith, W. Ceusters, 2010, J. Biomed. Semant..

Barry Smith, James Matthew Fielding, Mariana Casella dos Santos, 2004 .

Hongfang Liu, Zhang-Zhi Hu, Cathy H. Wu, 2007, BMC Bioinformatics.

Barry Smith, Richard H. Scheuermann, Barry Smith, 2011, J. Biomed. Informatics.

Werner Ceusters, Barry Smith, James Matthew Fielding, 2004, KR 2004.

Xiaowei Wang, Karen Eilbeck, Yu Lin, 2015, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM).

Barry Smith, Achille C. Varzi, Barry Smith, 1999, CONTEXT.

Werner Ceusters, Barry Smith, W. Ceusters, 2006, AMIA.

Barry Smith, James J. Cimino, J. Cimino, 2006, J. Biomed. Informatics.

Barry Smith, Lindsay G. Cowell, Barry Smith, 2010 .

Leo Obrst, Barry Smith, Dagobert Soergel, 2006, Appl. Ontology.

Jian Zhang, Cathy H. Wu, Barry Smith, 2010, Nucleic Acids Res..

Barry Smith, Alan Hansen, Tatiana Malyuta, 2011, STIDS.

Barry Smith, Paolo Ciccarese, Matteo Piazza, 2004, Studies in health technology and informatics.

Werner Ceusters, Barry Smith, W. Ceusters, 2006, J. Biomed. Informatics.

Stefan Schulz, Barry Smith, José L. V. Mejino, 2005, COSIT.

Barry Smith, Chris Mungall, Suzanna Lewis, 2013, Journal of Biomedical Semantics.

Werner Ceusters, Barry Smith, Peter L. Elkin, 2006, MIE.

Werner Ceusters, Barry Smith, Mariana Casella dos Santos, 2004, J. Integr. Bioinform..

Werner Ceusters, Barry Smith, Janna Hastings, 2011, ICBO.

Werner Ceusters, Barry Smith, Anand Kumar, 2004, Studies in health technology and informatics.

Martin Boeker, Stefan Schulz, Holger Stenzhorn, 2009, Revista electronica de comunicacao, informacao & inovacao em saude : RECIIS.

Barry Smith, Anand Kumar, Daniel D. Novotny, 2004, Comparative and functional genomics.

Barry Smith, John Crassidis, Christopher K. Nebelecky, 2016, 2016 19th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION).

Barry Smith, Alexander D. Diehl, Richard H. Scheuermann, 2009, BMC Bioinformatics.

Xiaowei Wang, Karen Eilbeck, Yu Lin, 2016, Int. J. Data Min. Bioinform..

Barry Smith, Yum Lina Yip, Pierre Grenon, 2006, Comput. Biol. Medicine.

Barry Smith, Jiye Ai, Wong T. David, 2010, BMC Bioinformatics.

Barry Smith, Peter L. Elkin, Fernanda Farinelli, 2016, ICBO/BioCreative.

Barry Smith, Heinrich Herre, Barbara Heller, 2001, FOIS.

Barry Smith, Alan Ruttenberg, Mauricio Barcellos Almeida, 2011, ICBO.

Barry Smith, Lindsay G. Cowell, Albert Goldfain, 2014, ICBO.

Barry Smith, James Llinas, John L. Crassidis, 2020, 2020 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION).

Christopher G. Chute, Barry Smith, Margaret-Anne D. Storey, 2012, J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc..

Werner Ceusters, Dipak Kalra, Barry Smith, 2011, Studies in health technology and informatics.

Barry Smith, Berit Brogaard, Barry Smith, 2002, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence.

Barry Smith, Anna Maria Masci, Christian J. Stoeckert, 2018, ICBO.

Barry Smith, Yongqun He, Zuoshuang Xiang, 2016, ICBO/BioCreative.

Aldo Gangemi, Barry Smith, Anand Kumar, 2004, Studies in health technology and informatics.

Dimitris Kiritsis, Barry Smith, Alexandros Kalousis, 2018, Journal of Biomedical Semantics.

Barry Smith, Yum Lina Yip, Daniel Novotný, 2005, MIE.

Barry Smith, Achille C. Varzi, Barry Smith, 1997, COSIT.

Barry Smith, Achille C. Varzi, Barry Smith, 2002, Theory in Biosciences.

Min Xu, Jonathan P. Bona, Barry Smith, 2013, ICBO.

Martin Boeker, Stefan Schulz, Holger Stenzhorn, 2007 .

Barry Smith, Andre Skusa, Jacob Köhler, 2005 .

Barry Smith, Barry Smith, 2001, COSIT.

Barry Smith, 2008, FOIS.

Werner Ceusters, Barry Smith, W. Ceusters, 2010, MedInfo.

Werner Ceusters, Barry Smith, W. Ceusters, 2007, Int. J. Metadata Semant. Ontologies.

Barry Smith, Brian Donohue, J. Neil Otte, 2014, STIDS.

Werner Ceusters, Nicolas Le Novère, Barry Smith, 2012, ICBO.

Barry Smith, Albert Goldfain, Pankaj Jaiswal, 2012, ICBO.

Barry Smith, Pierre Grenon, Louis Goldberg, 2004, Studies in health technology and informatics.

Mark Jensen, Barry Smith, 2016, ICBO/BioCreative.

Terry L. Janssen, Barry Smith, Mike Dean, 2007, OIC.

Xiaowei Wang, Karen Eilbeck, Yu Lin, 2015, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM).

Barry Smith, Maureen Donnelly, Thomas Bittner, 2009, Int. J. Geogr. Inf. Sci..

Werner Ceusters, Barry Smith, Andrew D. Spear, 2016, Appl. Ontology.

Cathy H. Wu, Barry Smith, Alan Ruttenberg, 2011, BMC Bioinformatics.

Stefano Borgo, Riichiro Mizoguchi, Barry Smith, 2011, Appl. Ontology.

Barry Smith, Alan Ruttenberg, Selja Seppälä, 2016, FOIS.

Barry Smith, Anand Kumar, Barry Smith, 2004, Proceedings. Fourth IEEE Symposium on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering.

Werner Ceusters, Barry Smith, W. Ceusters, 2011 .

Barry Smith, Laurel Cooper, Justin Elser, 2019, Front. Plant Sci..

Barry Smith, Igor Papakin, Katherine Munn, 2004, Studies in health technology and informatics.

Barry Smith, Berit Brogaard, Barry Smith, 2003, The Journal of medicine and philosophy.

Barry Smith, Anand Kumar, Barry Smith, 2003 .

Barry Smith, Fabian Neuhaus, Pierre Grenon, 2004 .

Barry Smith, Barry Smith, D. Reisman, 1997 .

Werner Ceusters, Barry Smith, Janna Hastings, 2012 .

Barry Smith, Lindsay G. Cowell, Albert Goldfain, 2009, J. Biomed. Informatics.

Werner Ceusters, Barry Smith, Janna Hastings, 2012 .