T. Hjalt


Youngsook Lee, B. Amendt, Mrudula Ganga, 2003, Journal of Biological Chemistry.

Yaping Zhang, L. Edvinsson, T. Hjalt, 2010, European journal of pharmacology.

J. Stahl, Yuefang Zhou, H. Kaminski, 2009, Investigative ophthalmology & visual science.

P. Leander, J. Holmberg, T. Hjalt, 2008, BMC Developmental Biology.

E. Semina, T. Hjalt, 2005, Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine.

J. Murray, B. Amendt, T. Hjalt, 2001, The Journal of cell biology.

S. Prucka, P. Gage, T. Hjalt, 2005, Investigative ophthalmology & visual science.

B. Amendt, E. Semina, Herbert M. Espinoza, 2002, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

J. Murray, B. Amendt, E. Semina, 2000, Developmental dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists.

P. Brundin, A. Morizane, M. Carta, 2010, Journal of neuroscience research.

M. Åkerlund, Jianbo Wang, S. Brody, 2008, Human molecular genetics.

J. Drouin, S. Camper, P. Gage, 2005, Molecular endocrinology.

Chia-Yang Liu, J. Holmberg, T. Hjalt, 2004, The American journal of pathology.

E. Wagner, E G Wagner, T A Hjalt, 1997, Nucleic acids research.

P. Brundin, Jia-Yi Li, N. Christophersen, 2008, The Journal of Neuroscience.

R. Timpl, T. Ebendal, M. Durbeej, 1996, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

E. Wagner, T. Hjalt, 1995, Nucleic acids research.

P. Brundin, Jia-Yi Li, N. Christophersen, 2008, The Journal of Neuroscience.

J. Murray, T. Hjalt, 1999, Mammalian Genome.

B. Amendt, E. Semina, T. Hjalt, 2000, Developmental dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists.

P. Leander, J. Holmberg, T. Hjalt, 2008, BMC Developmental Biology.