Alexander Stuckenholz


Alexander Stuckenholz, 2007, Software Engineering.

Alexander Stuckenholz, Eva Ponick, 2016, DeLFI Workshops.

Alexander Stuckenholz, Alexander Stuckenholz, 2005, SOEN.

Alexander Stuckenholz, Alexander Stuckenholz, 2007, International Workshop on Formal Aspects of Component Software.

Alexander Stuckenholz, 2007, Fortschritt-Berichte VDI Reihe 10.

Alexander Stuckenholz, Olaf Zwintzscher, Alexander Stuckenholz, 2004, Architecting Systems with Trustworthy Components.

Alexander Stuckenholz, Eva Ponick, 2019 .

Alexander Stuckenholz, 2005, PIK Prax. Informationsverarbeitung Kommun..

Alexander Stuckenholz, Alexander Stuckenholz, 2006, Prax. Inf.verarb. Kommun..

Alexander Stuckenholz, Andre Osterloh, A. Osterloh, 2006, GPCE '06.