Phil Vines


Ross Wilkinson, Justin Zobel, Marcin Kaszkiel, 1996, TREC.

Justin Zobel, Phil Vines, J. Zobel, 1998, Softw. Pract. Exp..

Ying Zhang, Phil Vines, 2004, NTCIR.

Ross Wilkinson, Phil Vines, 1999, NTCIR.

Justin Zobel, Ying Zhao, Phil Vines, 2006, AIRS.

Ross Wilkinson, Justin Zobel, Michael Fuller, 1997, TREC.

Xiuzhen Zhang, Zhixin Zhou, Phil Vines, 2010, TREC.

Justin Zobel, Phil Vines, 1998 .

Daryl J. D'Souza, James A. Thom, Michael Fuller, 2000, TREC.

Ross Wilkinson, Phil Vines, Van Be Hai Nguyen, 1996, Proceedings of 7th International Conference and Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications: DEXA 96.

Xiuzhen Zhang, Zhixin Zhou, Phil Vines, 2012, ADC.

Ying Zhang, Phil Vines, 2004, SIGIR '04.

Ying Zhao, Phil Vines, 2007, ECIR.

Ying Zhang, Phil Vines, 2005 .