Per Ekstrand


Jeroen Breebaart, Heiko Purnhagen, Fredrik Henn, 2009, EURASIP J. Audio Speech Music. Process..

Kristofer Kjörling, Fredrik Henn, Lars Liljeryd, 2000 .

Kristofer Kjoerling, Per Ekstrand, Lars Gustaf Liljeryd, 1998 .

Per Hedelin, Per Ekstrand, Lars F. Villemoes, 2011, 2011 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA).

Heiko Purnhagen, Lars Villemoes, Erik Gosuinus Petrus Schuijers, 2004 .

Scott G. Norcross, Jeroen Gerardus Henricus Koppens, Mark Stuart Vinton, 2016 .

Nicolas Tsingos, Jeffrey Riedmiller, Kristofer Kjörling, 2017, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting.

Sascha Disch, Frederik Nagel, Lars Villemoes, 2011 .

Kristofer Kjoerling, Per Ekstrand, Lars Gustaf Liljeryd, 1999 .

Kristofer Kjoerling, Per Ekstrand, Holger Hoerich, 2002 .

Lars Villemoes, Kristofer Kjoerling, Fredrik Henn, 2001 .