V. Manzanilla


P. Hollingsworth, H. D. de Boer, G. Martin, 2019, bioRxiv.

Barbara Gravendeel, Maslin Osathanunkul, B. Gravendeel, 2017, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

Simon J. Greenhill, Fiona M. Jordan, V. Manzanilla, 2021, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.

H. D. de Boer, H. T. Huynh, H. Nong, 2022, Frontiers in Plant Science.

H. Maat, H. Boer, V. Manzanilla, 2019, bioRxiv.

H. D. de Boer, T. V. van Andel, H. Maat, 2019, Frontiers in plant science.

Anne Krag Brysting, H. D. de Boer, Aurélie Labarre, 2017, Scientific Reports.