R. Jambou


P. Handschumacher, P. Cecchi, M. Altmann, 2020, International journal of environmental research and public health.

Carol Hopkins Sibley, D. Kyle, J. Le bras, 2007, Malaria Journal.

J. Duplantier, N. Élissa, É. Carniel, 2013, PLoS neglected tropical diseases.

R. Jambou, P. Marty, D. Jambou, 1986, Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

G. Grau, V. Combes, R. Jambou, 2013, The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology.

R. Jambou, V. Porphyre, H. Rasamoelina-Andriamanivo, 2013, Trends in parasitology.

B. Olofsson, G. Jaureguiberry, A. Tavitian, 2004 .

J. Moreau, D. Aldebert, M. Diallo, 2008, International journal for parasitology.

J. Chamot-Rooke, R. Jambou, Magalie Duchateau, 2016, Veterinary parasitology.

G. Grau, R. Jambou, R. Razakandrainibe, 2012, Trends in parasitology.

P. Boisier, F. De Giorgi, F. Rakotomanana, 2001, Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

P. Boisier, J. Roux, L. Raharimalala, 2002, The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene.

L. Descroix, G. Panthou, R. Jambou, 2022, International journal of environmental research and public health.

M. Waters, G. Morel, H. Mertani, 1994, Neuroendocrinology.

C. S. Scott, J. Perrier-Gros-Claude, J. Dromigny, 2005, Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

P. Boisier, S. Laventure, L. Raharimalala, 1998, Sante.

J. Le bras, M. Randrianarivelojosia, R. Jambou, 2011, Trends in parasitology.

J. Carod, R. Jambou, Rondro Mamitiana Ramahefarisoa, 2010, Veterinary parasitology.

R. Jambou, D. Kouka-Bemba, C. Hengy, 1992, Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

R. Jambou, B. Coulibaly, Tossea S. Koui, 2022, BMC medical genomics.

E. Legrand, N. Khim, C. Bouchier, 2005, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.

H. Ginsburg, I. Hatin, G. Jaureguiberry, 1992, Biochemical pharmacology.

J. Le bras, R. Durand, E. Legrand, 2006, Malaria Journal.

C. Rogier, M. Randrianarivelojosia, F. Ariey, 2002, Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

L. Marrama, J. Dangou, O. Mercereau‐Puijalon, 2006, The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene.

G. Grau, V. Combes, R. Jambou, 2013, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.

C. Bernard, E. Cardinale, R. Jambou, 2015, Parasites & Vectors.

C. Chougnet, P. Deloron, N. Fievet, 1995, Clinical and experimental immunology.

R. Jambou, A. Touré, Eugène Koffi, 2018, Parasite.

R. Jambou, A. Ly, L. R. Dossou-Yovo, 2019, Journal of Biosciences and Medicines.

C. Bernard, E. Cardinale, R. Jambou, 2015, Parasites & Vectors.

A. Bastaraud, R. Jambou, É. Perthame, 2019, bioRxiv.

J. Le bras, P. Gazin, R. Jambou, 1989, Bulletin de la Societe de pathologie exotique et de ses filiales.

M. Randrianarivelojosia, L. Raharimalala, R. Jambou, 2000, Medecine tropicale : revue du Corps de sante colonial.

P. Gazin, J. Gardon, A. Trébucq, 1992, Tropical medicine and parasitology : official organ of Deutsche Tropenmedizinische Gesellschaft and of Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit.

D. Chakrabarti, G. Langsley, G. Ward, 1996, Molecular and biochemical parasitology.

M. Randrianarivelojosia, J. Duchemin, F. Ariey, 2002, The Journal of infectious diseases.

L. Rabarijaona, F. Ariey, L. Raharimalala, 2002, Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

O. Faye, G. Fall, R. Jambou, 2023, IJID regions.

Claude Carbón, M. Muffat‐Joly, J. Pocidalo, 1994, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.

T. Diéye, R. Jambou, S. Diop, 2009, Transfusion clinique et biologique : journal de la Societe francaise de transfusion sanguine.

L. Marrama, J. Dangou, O. Mercereau‐Puijalon, 2010, Malaria Journal.

M. Randrianarivelojosia, L. Randrianasolo, R. Jambou, 2002, East African medical journal.

M. Randrianarivelojosia, F. Ariey, L. Raharimalala, 2001, Annals of tropical medicine and parasitology.

J. Roux, L. Raharimalala, R. Jambou, 2000, Annals of tropical medicine and parasitology.

G. Grau, V. Combes, R. Jambou, 2009, The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology.

R. Jambou, Ismaël Chakir, Ali Ibrahim Said, 2017, Malaria Journal.

M. Randrianarivelojosia, R. Jambou, H. Andrianantenaina, 2002, Archives de l'Institut Pasteur de Madagascar.

G. Baranton, J. Perrier-Gros-Claude, R. Jambou, 2005, Emerging infectious diseases.

L. Raharimalala, R. Jambou, L. Ranaivo, 1998, Medecine tropicale : revue du Corps de sante colonial.

P. Boisier, F. De Giorgi, F. Rakotomanana, 2001, Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

M. Kone, A. Offianan, L. Penali, 2022 .

G. Grau, R. Jambou, R. Razakandrainibe, 2012, Trends in parasitology.

M. Kone, A. Offianan, L. Penali, 2022 .

B. Olofsson, G. Jaureguiberry, A. Tavitian, 1996, Biology of the cell.