C. Ballerini


G. Baldi, C. Ballerini, A. Aldinucci, 2015, Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology.

F. Petraglia, E. Sarchielli, L. Vignozzi, 2020, Journal of molecular endocrinology.

M. Deeg, H. Kalbacher, M. Vergelli, 2001, Journal of medicinal chemistry.

M. Zaffaroni, I. Cataldo, G. Cavaletti, 2017, Neurological Sciences.

S. Juliano, R. Akinyemi, R. Kalaria, 2022, Frontiers in Immunology.

M. D’Elios, E. Silvestri, G. Emmi, 2018, Annals of clinical and translational neurology.

M. D’Elios, A. Amedei, M. de Bernard, 2013, International journal of immunopathology and pharmacology.

C. Ballerini, 2021, Methods in molecular biology.

M. Vergelli, B. Mazzanti, L. Massacesi, 2001, Journal of Neuroimmunology.

L. Massacesi, P. Pozzilli, R. Buzzetti, 2002, Diabetologia.

B. Mazzanti, L. Massacesi, R. Saccardi, 2014, Annals of clinical and translational neurology.

G. Baldi, C. Ballerini, A. Aldinucci, 2015, Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology.

M. Mollica, R. Meli, G. M. Raso, 2020, Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie.

A. Scheffold, L. Cosmi, F. Annunziato, 2008, The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology.

N. Pimpinelli, L. Massacesi, A. Chiarugi, 2007, The Journal of Immunology.

R. Ferreira, L. Bernardino, M. Passani, 2016 .

D. Cavalieri, R. Viola, A. Si-Ammour, 2016, Scientific Reports.

D. Galimberti, M. Trojano, F. Guerini, 2008, Genes and Immunity.

G. Pellicanò, M. Vergelli, B. Mazzanti, 2001, Journal of neuroscience research.

J. Rojo, C. Nativi, R. Ribeiro-Viana, 2014, Beilstein journal of organic chemistry.

S. Sorbi, B. Nacmias, L. Massacesi, 1999, Annals of neurology.

L. Massacesi, A. Repice, C. Ballerini, 2010, Journal of Neuroimmunology.

L. Massacesi, F. Biamonte, C. Grossi, 2008, Experimental Neurology.