M. Bhuiyan


Badhan Chandra Das, M. Anwar, M. Bhuiyan, 2020, 2020 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM).

Low Tang Jung, Mohammad Al-Amin Bhuiyan, Muneer Ahmad, 2017, Biomed. Signal Process. Control..

Hiromitsu Hama, Mohammad Al-Amin Bhuiyan, H. Hama, 2002, Pattern Recognit..

Hiromitsu Hama, Mohammad Al-Amin Bhuiyan, H. Hama, 2002, J. Electronic Imaging.

Chang Hong Liu, H. Ueno, M.A.-A. Bhuiyan, 2007, 2007 10th international conference on computer and information technology.

M.A.-A. Bhuiyan, M.T. Rahman, M.A.J. Bin Bakkre, 2007, 2007 International Conference on Convergence Information Technology (ICCIT 2007).

Mohammad Al-Amin Bhuiyan, M. Bhuiyan, 2006, ROMAN 2006 - The 15th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication.

Tao Zhang, Yoshiaki Shirai, Haruki Ueno, 2004, 2004 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics.

Haruki Ueno, Shin-yo Muto, Vuthichai Ampornaramveth, 2004, Int. J. Robotics Autom..

Mohammad Al-Amin Bhuiyan, Mohammad Mozammel Chowdhury, M. Bhuiyan, 2013, Int. Arab J. Inf. Technol..

L. T. Jung, Muneer Ahmad, M. Bhuiyan, 2017, Comput. Methods Programs Biomed..