Â. Luzo


S. Saad, I. Coimbra, Â. Luzo, 2011, Rheumatology International.

I. Boin, Â. Luzo, I. Boin, 2008, Transplantation proceedings.

Â. Luzo, E. C. de Ataíde, F. A. Orsi, 2021, Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis.

F. Costa, M. Queiroz, S. Saad, 2007, Vox sanguinis.

J. Dávila, W. Fávaro, E. Duek, 2022, The Journal of surgical research.

S. Saad, F. Costa, Â. Luzo, 2002, Transplantation.

S. Saad, F. Costa, Â. Luzo, 2002 .

I. Boin, Â. Luzo, A. R. Cardoso, 2001, Transplantation Proceedings.

I. Boin, Â. Luzo, E. Ataíde, 2010, Transplantation Proceedings.

Â. Luzo, 2013, Revista brasileira de hematologia e hemoterapia.

E. Antonioli, M. Ferretti, A. Plepis, 2015, International journal of molecular sciences.

W. Fávaro, M. Durán, P. Garcia, 2018, Current molecular medicine.