Yury Korolev


Dmitry G. Korzun, Ivan V. Galov, Yury Korolev, 2012, NEW2AN.

Alexey Kashevnik, Nikolay Shilov, Dmitry G. Korzun, 2011, NEW2AN.

Jan Lellmann, Yury Korolev, J. Lellmann, 2017, SIAM J. Imaging Sci..

Tuomo Valkonen, Yury Korolev, Artur Gorokh, 2015, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision.

Otmar Scherzer, Yury Korolev, Andrea Aspri, 2019, ArXiv.

Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb, Martin Burger, Yury Korolev, 2019, SSVM.

Kirill Yudenok, Yury Korolev, 2012, 2012 11th Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT).