Spencer L Shorte


Alicia Mayeuf-Louchart, David Hardy, Quentin Thorel, 2018, Skeletal Muscle.

Johannes Schindelin, Spencer L Shorte, Johannes E. Schindelin, 2017, Methods.

Alain Trouvé, Yong Yu, Spencer L Shorte, 2008, Biotechnology journal.

Peter Engelhardt, Spencer L Shorte, Sami Sebastian Brandt, 2008, Microscopy research and technique.

Jost Enninga, Spencer L Shorte, Brigitte David-Watine, 2006, BMC Cell Biology.

Pascal Roux, Spencer L Shorte, Freddy Frischknecht, 2004, Cellular microbiology.

Spencer L Shorte, Kelly L Rogers, Samantha Blazquez, 2012, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Lionel Moisan, Spencer L Shorte, Jean-Yves Tinevez, 2014, Cell adhesion & migration.

Spencer L Shorte, Freddy Frischknecht, Olivier Renaud, 2006, Current opinion in microbiology.

Spencer L Shorte, Kelly L Rogers, Olivier Renaud, 2008, Journal of biomedical optics.

Spencer L Shorte, Kelly L Rogers, S. Shorte, 2005, The European journal of neuroscience.