F. Tabung


E. Giovannucci, Kana Wu, J. Eluf-Neto, 2019, International journal of cancer.

L. Hou, J. Shikany, J. Ockene, 2015, Annals of epidemiology.

W. Willett, F. Hu, E. Giovannucci, 2016, The Journal of nutrition.

L. Liang, J. Manson, K. Rexrode, 2020, Clinical nutrition.

L. Liang, J. Manson, K. Rexrode, 2019, Metabolites.

A. Kibel, E. Giovannucci, L. Mucci, 2021, European urology.

G. Colditz, B. Rosner, E. Giovannucci, 2019, JNCI cancer spectrum.

E. Giovannucci, S. Tworoger, S. Smith-Warner, 2017, British Journal of Cancer.

W. Willett, E. Giovannucci, K. Ng, 2021, Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology.

J. Manson, K. Rexrode, L. Snetselaar, 2021, Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Kristin E. Burke, E. Giovannucci, A. Ananthakrishnan, 2020, Gastroenterology.

E. Giovannucci, Kana Wu, J. Eluf-Neto, 2020, British Journal of Cancer.

J. Manson, L. Snetselaar, M. Vitolins, 2022, Nutrition and cancer.

A. Qureshi, A. Drucker, E. Cho, 2019, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.

N. Saquib, T. Rohan, J. Wactawski‐Wende, 2022, Cancer Causes & Control.

E. Karlson, B. Lu, S. Malspeis, 2018, Clinical Rheumatology.

E. Giovannucci, U. Matulonis, H. Harris, 2022, British Journal of Cancer.

F. Hu, E. Giovannucci, C. Fuchs, 2018, The American journal of clinical nutrition.

J. Manson, E. Rimm, W. Willett, 2020, Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

Fred K Tabung, T. Fung, L. Brown, 2017, Current Colorectal Cancer Reports.

W. Willett, J. Meyerhardt, A. Joshi, 2019, Cancer Prevention Research.

J. Meyerhardt, E. Giovannucci, S. Ogino, 2017, International journal of cancer.

Hongbing Shen, H. Nan, E. Giovannucci, 2019, The American journal of clinical nutrition.

E. Giovannucci, F. Tabung, D. H. Lee, 2020, The British journal of nutrition.

B. Rosner, E. Giovannucci, S. Smith-Warner, 2019 .

J. Hébert, E. Frongillo, L. Kushi, 2014, Advances in nutrition.

E. Giovannucci, O. Martínez-Maza, B. Birmann, 2017, Current developments in nutrition.

J. Manson, N. Paynter, K. Rexrode, 2020, The American journal of clinical nutrition.

E. Giovannucci, S. Ogino, Xuehong Zhang, 2020, European Journal of Nutrition.

J. Meyerhardt, E. Giovannucci, Xuehong Zhang, 2021, Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention.

L. Arab, E. Fontham, J. Mohler, 2012, Prostate cancer.

J. Manson, C. Kooperberg, P. Kraft, 2021, Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

E. Giovannucci, L. Strate, L. Nguyen, 2019, Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association.

L. Liang, J. Manson, E. Rimm, 2020, European heart journal.

S. Steck, F. Tabung, V. Daguisé, 2017, American journal of health promotion : AJHP.

E. Rimm, F. Hu, E. Giovannucci, 2023, Nature Medicine.

J. Manson, E. Rimm, F. Hu, 2023, JAMA internal medicine.

F. Hu, E. Giovannucci, Molin Wang, 2020, Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

Seyed Mostafa Mousavi Kahaki, J. Meyerhardt, Kun‐Hsing Yu, 2022, Clinical and translational medicine.

W. Willett, A. Joshi, E. Giovannucci, 2020, The American journal of clinical nutrition.

B. Rosner, E. Giovannucci, S. Smith-Warner, 2019, International journal of cancer.

L. Hou, L. Snetselaar, J. Ockene, 2017, American journal of epidemiology.

Yan Shi, E. Giovannucci, S. Ogino, 2018, Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association.

G. Colditz, B. Rosner, E. Giovannucci, 2020, International journal of cancer.

W. Willett, F. Hu, B. Rosner, 2021, British Journal of Nutrition.

Stacey A. Kenfield, P. Carroll, J. Neuhaus, 2022, Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology.

Song Liu, M. Churchman, S. Rosario, 2023, International journal of molecular sciences.

F. Tabung, 2018, European journal of cancer prevention : the official journal of the European Cancer Prevention Organisation.

Kevin M. Mendez, N. Sinnott-Armstrong, L. Raffield, 2023, Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism.

L. Liang, J. Manson, K. Rexrode, 2019, Metabolites.

Danijel Djukovic, Sandi L Navarro, F. Tabung, 2024, Metabolites.