N. Lopez


T. McKenzie, J. Elder, J. Carlson, 2013, Journal of park and recreation administration.

S. Folta, S. Anzman‐Frasca, Anjali A. Patel, 2017, Journal of nutrition education and behavior.

J. Sallis, E. Arredondo, G. Ayala, 2022, International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.

J. Sallis, E. Arredondo, B. Marcus, 2021, Health education & behavior : the official publication of the Society for Public Health Education.

Minsoo Kang, S. Herrmann, L. Ptomey, 2021, Journal of eating disorders.

N. Lopez, A. Sherzai, Jay T Sutliffe, 2022, American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine.

R. Camplain, Shakia T. Hardy, N. Lopez, 2021, International journal of prisoner health.

Mary Jo Carnot, N. Lopez, A. Adams, 2022, American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine.

R. Camplain, N. Lopez, Carolyn Camplain, 2022, International journal of prisoner health.

G. Ayala, J. Elder, K. Corder, 2012, Journal of nutrition education and behavior.

G. Ayala, J. Elder, K. Corder, 2012, Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Minsoo Kang, S. Herrmann, Taeyeon Oh, 2021, American journal of health behavior.

R. Camplain, B. Boden-Albala, I. Messaoudi, 2021, Pediatric Research.

G. Dunton, B. Belcher, Tyler B. Mason, 2021, Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity.

Chih-Hsiang Yang, Tyler B. Mason, N. Lopez, 2020, International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology.

G. Dunton, G. Margolin, Eldin Dzubur, 2018, Annals of behavioral medicine : a publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine.

G. Dunton, S. Schembre, J. Huh, 2019, Annals of behavioral medicine : a publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine.

G. Dunton, G. Margolin, T. Gruenewald, 2019, Maternal and Child Health Journal.

H. Lawless, Anjali A. Patel, N. Lopez, 2016, Food quality and preference.

N. Lopez, Jay T. Sutliffe, Ciara L. Heath, 2022, Frontiers in Nutrition.

J. Elder, K. Corder, E. V. van Sluijs, 2012, Preventive medicine.

T. McKenzie, R. Camplain, S. Radom-Aizik, 2021, Journal of Clinical and Translational Science.