S. Lombardo


C. Mee, F. Demontis, M. Sommacal, 2015 .

A. Degasperis, S. Lombardo, 2005, nlin/0509038.

Fabio Baronio, Matteo Conforti, Antonio Degasperis, 2014, Physical review letters.

Fabio Baronio, Matteo Conforti, Antonio Degasperis, 2013, Physical review letters.

M. Sommacal, F. Demontis, S. Lombardo, 2015, Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul..

A. Degasperis, S. Lombardo, 2009, 0907.1822.

Antonio Degasperis, A. Degasperis, Sara Lombardo, 2006, nlin/0610061.

Antonio Degasperis, A. Degasperis, Sara Lombardo, 2013, Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics.

A. Mikhailov, S. Lombardo, 2004, nlin/0404013.

A. Mikhailov, S. Lombardo, A. Mikhailov, 2004, math-ph/0407048.

Jan A. Sanders, Sara Lombardo, Vincent Knibbeler, 2015, Foundations of Computational Mathematics.

J. Sanders, S. Lombardo, 2009, 0912.1697.

C. Angelis, A. Degasperis, S. Wabnitz, 2010 .

A. Veselov, S. Lombardo, V. Knibbeler, 2020, 2002.09388.

Fabio Baronio, Matteo Conforti, Antonio Degasperis, 2011 .

Antonio Degasperis, Sara Lombardo, Matteo Sommacal, 2017, Journal of Nonlinear Science.

J. Sanders, S. Lombardo, V. Knibbeler, 2015, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics.

J. Sanders, S. Lombardo, V. Knibbeler, 2014, 1410.2914.

S. Lombardo, V. Knibbeler, Casper Oelen, 2022, Glasgow Mathematical Journal.

S. Lombardo, V. Knibbeler, Casper Oelen, 2023 .

M. Romano, S. Lombardo, Matteo Sommacal, 2023, Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik.

J. Sanders, S. Lombardo, V. Knibbeler, 2015, 1512.07020.