Ashley Waddell


Ashley Waddell, 2009, The American journal of nursing.

Jeffrey M. Adams, J. Fawcett, Ashley Waddell, 2017, Policy, politics & nursing practice.

N. Hoffart, M. Young, Ashley Waddell, 2011, Journal of professional nursing : official journal of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing.

C. Ellenbecker, J. Fawcett, Ashley Waddell, 2017, Policy, politics & nursing practice.

Jeffrey M. Adams, Ashley Waddell, D. C. Bryant, 2020, Journal for nurses in professional development.

Ashley Waddell, Marcie Brostoff, Kathryn Audette, 2016, Policy, politics & nursing practice.

Jeffrey M. Adams, Ashley Waddell, Lisa J Sundean, 2020, Nursing outlook.

Jeffrey M. Adams, J. Fawcett, Ashley Waddell, 2016, Nursing Science Quarterly.

Ashley W G Waddell, Ashley Waddell, 2010, The American journal of nursing.

P. Brennan, N. Short, Camille Burnett, 2020, Journal of professional nursing : official journal of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing.