U. Toseeb


A. Pickles, G. Conti-Ramsden, K. Durkin, 2016, Transportation research. Part F, Traffic psychology and behaviour.

K. Asbury, Aimee Code, U. Toseeb, 2020, Journal of autism and developmental disorders.

A. Pickles, G. Conti-Ramsden, K. Durkin, 2017, International journal of language & communication disorders.

K. Asbury, Aimee Code, U. Toseeb, 2022, British Journal of Special Education.

K. Asbury, U. Toseeb, Umar Toseeb, 2022, Autism : the international journal of research and practice.

K. Asbury, U. Toseeb, Umar Toseeb, 2022, Autism : the international journal of research and practice.