W. Scheppach


H. Lührs, A. Schwiertz, S. Theis, 2006, British Journal of Nutrition.

F. Ahrens, M. Spengler, C. Fabian, 1988, Gastroenterology.

W. Scheppach, H. Kasper, S. Christl, 1996, Digestive Diseases and Sciences.

J. Schauber, R. Melcher, A. Gostner, 2004 .

H. Lührs, F. Kreth, A. Gostner, 2002, European journal of cancer prevention : the official journal of the European Cancer Prevention Organisation.

W. Scheppach, H. Bartram, F. Richter, 1995, European journal of cancer.

W. Scheppach, H. Kasper, S. Christl, 1997, JPEN. Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition.

W. Scheppach, H. Kasper, C. Fabian, 1988, Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.

C. Dempfle, W. Scheppach, H. Kasper, 1997, European journal of gastroenterology & hepatology.

R. Draenert, E. Liebscher, W. Scheppach, 1998, Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology.

J. Schauber, W. Scheppach, F. Weiler, 2005, Journal of cellular physiology.

J. Faivre, W. Scheppach, G. Biasco, 1999, European journal of cancer prevention : the official journal of the European Cancer Prevention Organisation.

W. Scheppach, H. Kasper, S. Christl, 1995, Nutrition and cancer.

A. Gostner, W. Scheppach, G. Dusel, 2000, European journal of cancer prevention : the official journal of the European Cancer Prevention Organisation.

D. Schrenk, P. Schreier, E. Richling, 2011, European journal of nutrition.

E. Richling, K. Kahle, W. Scheppach, 2006, Molecular nutrition & food research.

E. Richling, K. Kahle, W. Scheppach, 2005, Molecular nutrition & food research.

E. Richling, K. Kahle, W. Scheppach, 2007, Journal of agricultural and food chemistry.

W. Scheppach, S. Christl, 1997, Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.

M. Elia, E. Pomare, J. Cummings, 1991, Clinical science.

A. Gostner, W. Scheppach, H. Kasper, 1998, The American journal of clinical nutrition.

J. Schrezenmeir, J. Cummings, W. Branch, 1988, Clinical science.

W. Scheppach, H. Kasper, G. Dusel, 1992, JPEN. Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition.

A. Gostner, W. Scheppach, M. Wacker, 2002, Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology.

W. Scheppach, 1998, The Journal of laboratory and clinical medicine.

W. Scheppach, H. Kasper, S. Christl, 1997, Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.

W. Scheppach, F. Weiler, 2004, Current opinion in clinical nutrition and metabolic care.

T. Menzel, W. Scheppach, R. Melcher, 2001, Digestive Diseases and Sciences.

H. Hauner, S. Theis, U. Amann-Gassner, 2012, Diabetes Care.

V. Moreno, E. Riboli, R. Reifen, 1999, European journal of cancer prevention : the official journal of the European Cancer Prevention Organisation.

H. Lührs, M. Eck, J. Schauber, 2004, Molecular immunology.

R. Gallo, K. Fellermann, J. Wehkamp, 2006, European journal of gastroenterology & hepatology.

P. Murgatroyd, G. Gibson, J. Cummings, 1993, Gastroenterology.

W. Scheppach, H. Kasper, G. Ruckdeschel, 1994, The American journal of clinical nutrition.

G. Wittenberg, A. Gassel, W. Scheppach, 2001, Critical care medicine.

E. Schippers, W. Scheppach, Justus G. Mueller, 2013, World journal of gastroenterology.

M. Neumann, H. Lührs, J. Schauber, 2004, Inflammatory bowel diseases.

H. Lührs, J. Schauber, R. Melcher, 2006, Molecular nutrition & food research.

C. Rao, A. Gostner, W. Scheppach, 1995, European journal of cancer prevention : the official journal of the European Cancer Prevention Organisation.

H. Lührs, J. Schauber, T. Menzel, 2001, International Journal of Colorectal Disease.

H. Lührs, S. Theis, J. Schauber, 2005, British Journal of Nutrition.

W. Scheppach, H. Kasper, P. Bartram, 1990, JPEN. Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition.

S. Englert, W. Scheppach, H. Kasper, 1995, JPEN. Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition.

W. Scheppach, H. Kasper, S. Christl, 1995, Zeitschrift fur Gastroenterologie.

P. Schramel, F. Wehner, W. Scheppach, 1988, Digestion.

W. Scheppach, 2007, Zeitschrift fur Gastroenterologie.

H. Lührs, T. Menzel, W. Scheppach, 2002, Journal of investigative surgery : the official journal of the Academy of Surgical Research.

German and Austrian ImipenemCilastatin Study Group, W. Scheppach, 1996, Digestive Diseases and Sciences.

W. Scheppach, H. Kasper, C. Fabian, 1987, The American journal of clinical nutrition.

T. Kirchner, T. Kirchner, T Kirchner, 1992, Gastroenterology.

G. Ott, H. Lührs, W. Breithaupt, 2003, International Journal of Colorectal Disease.

C. Steinlein, M. Schmid, M. Scheurlen, 2002, Cytogenetic and Genome Research.

T. Menzel, W. Scheppach, H. Luehrs, 2001, The British journal of nutrition.

C. Steinlein, M. Schmid, H. Lührs, 2000, Cytogenetics and cell genetics.

C. Steinlein, M. Schmid, H. Lührs, 2000, Cytogenetic and Genome Research.

W. Scheppach, F. Richter, 1997 .

M. Meesmann, W. Scheppach, 2015, DMW Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift.

H. Lührs, J. Schauber, R. Melcher, 2002, Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.

W. Kenn, D. Hahn, G. Wittenberg, 1998, CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology.

W. Hohenberger, K. Schulmann, W. Schmiegel, 2013, Zeitschrift fur Gastroenterologie.

M. Meesmann, E. Schippers, W. Scheppach, 2010, Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift.

H. Lührs, T. Menzel, W. Scheppach, 2001, International journal of colorectal disease.

W. Bergthaller, M. Bach, W. Scheppach, 1991, Digestive Diseases and Sciences.

T. Kirchner, W. Scheppach, S. Christl, 1994, Gastrointestinal endoscopy.

C. Steinlein, Michael Schmid, J. Schauber, 2005, Cancer genetics and cytogenetics.

D. Hahn, G. Wittenberg, W. Scheppach, 1995, Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie - German Journal of Gastroenterology.

W. Scheppach, H. Kasper, S. Christl, 1997, Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism.

K. El-Bayoumy, W. Scheppach, P. Upadhyaya, 2003, European journal of cancer prevention : the official journal of the European Cancer Prevention Organisation.

W. Scheppach, H. Kasper, R. Joeres, 1988, American Journal of Gastroenterology.

A. Gostner, W. Scheppach, H. Kasper, 1995, Zeitschrift fur Ernahrungswissenschaft.

B. Allolio, S. Theis, J. Schauber, 2009, Hormone and metabolic research = Hormon- und Stoffwechselforschung = Hormones et metabolisme.

W. Scheppach, H. Kasper, M. Sachs, 1989, European journal of clinical nutrition.