V. Koivukangas


J. Karvonen, J. Risteli, A. Oikarinen, 2005, Archives of Dermatological Research.

S. Saarni, A. Malmivaara, S. Saarni, 2011, Obesity surgery.

J. Rysä, J. Hakkola, J. Hukkanen, 2022, Journal of the American Heart Association.

Y. Soini, J. Risteli, P. Ohtonen, 2008, Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.

F. Biancari, T. Tauriainen, V. Koivukangas, 2017, Surgical Endoscopy.

H. Sintonen, A. Malmivaara, M. Linna, 2011, The British journal of surgery.

J. Mrena, E. Sihvo, F. Yannopoulos, 2021, Journal of thoracic disease.

P. Romundstad, L. Tryggvadottir, J. Lagergren, 2020, The British journal of surgery.

A. Ristimäki, A. Kokkola, P. Ohtonen, 2021, European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology.

A. Viste, P. Salminen, A. Mennander, 2013, World Journal of Surgery.

S. Peltonen, J. Peltonen, S. Karvonen, 2003, The British journal of dermatology.

P. Groop, M. Savolainen, Krishna A. Adeshara, 2020, Surgery for obesity and related diseases : official journal of the American Society for Bariatric Surgery.

O. Helminen, V. Koivukangas, J. Rintala, 2021, Journal of thoracic disease.

P. Karihtala, J. Reunanen, V. Koivukangas, 2022, Cancers.

J. Laurila, T. Ala-Kokko, Y. Soini, 2007, The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society.

P. Groop, M. Savolainen, Krishna A. Adeshara, 2022, APMIS : acta pathologica, microbiologica, et immunologica Scandinavica.

T. Karttunen, V. Koivukangas, S. Meriläinen, 2022, Obesity.

M. Kallioinen, A. Oikarinen, V. Koivukangas, 1995, The British journal of dermatology.

T. Ala-Kokko, K. Herzig, A. Oikarinen, 2017, Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica.

T. Salo, T. Ala-Kokko, K. Herzig, 2017, Journal of Translational Medicine.

P. Salmela, A. Oikarinen, V. Koivukangas, 1999, Diabetic medicine : a journal of the British Diabetic Association.

J. Laurila, T. Ala-Kokko, A. Oikarinen, 2008, Critical care.

F. Biancari, T. Juvonen, V. Koivukangas, 2007, The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery.

A. Viste, P. Salminen, A. Mennander, 2014, Diseases of the esophagus : official journal of the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus.

T. Ala-Kokko, F. Biancari, V. Koivukangas, 2012, The journal of trauma and acute care surgery.

J. Perälä, F. Biancari, T. Juvonen, 2006, European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery : the official journal of the European Society for Vascular Surgery.

J. Koskenkari, I. Hassinen, P. Lehenkari, 2013, Ultrastructural pathology.

J. Koskenkari, P. Lehenkari, P. Ohtonen, 2012, Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.

W. A. Jansen, M. Achiam, R. van Hillegersberg, 2021, European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology.

J. Koskenkari, P. Lehenkari, P. Ohtonen, 2012, Hepato-gastroenterology.

T. Ala-Kokko, V. Koivukangas, Tuula Salo, 2021, APMIS : acta pathologica, microbiologica, et immunologica Scandinavica.

M. Kallioinen, A. Oikarinen, V. Koivukangas, 1994, Acta dermato-venereologica.

J. Laurila, T. Ala-Kokko, M. Kallioinen, 2015, Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica.

T. Ala-Kokko, S. Myllymaa, A. Kullaa, 2020, Metabolites.

J. Laurila, T. Ala-Kokko, T. Karttunen, 2005, Histopathology.

J. Laurila, T. Ala-Kokko, H. Syrjälä, 2006, Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica.

V. Koivukangas, J. Saarnio, F. Gäddnäs, 2007, Scandinavian journal of surgery : SJS : official organ for the Finnish Surgical Society and the Scandinavian Surgical Society.

J. Laurila, T. Ala-Kokko, J. Risteli, 2010, Anesthesia and analgesia.

P. Salmela, A. Oikarinen, V. Koivukangas, 2000, Diabetic medicine : a journal of the British Diabetic Association.

A. Ristimäki, A. Kokkola, E. Sihvo, 2022, Annals of surgery.

J. Laurila, T. Ala-Kokko, P. Ohtonen, 2013, World Journal of Surgery.

J. Laurila, T. Ala-Kokko, P. Ohtonen, 2013, World Journal of Surgery.

A. Oikarinen, V. Koivukangas, 2003, Methods in molecular medicine.

A. Saarela, V. Koivukangas, S. Meriläinen, 2020, Scandinavian Journal of Surgery.

V. Sujendran, Ionut Negoi, F. Di Maggio, 2021, BJS open.