C. Senterre


M. Dramaix, C. Senterre, I. Thiébaut, 2014, BMC Public Health.

A. Levêque, R. Lagasse, C. Senterre, 2018, BMC Health Services Research.

M. Piccart, E. de Azambuja, R. Sullivan, 2013, Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology.

J. Lanquart, P. Linkowski, X. Montana, 2017, Psychiatry Research.

C. Senterre, M. Pirson, P. Leclercq, 2020, The Journal of the Economics of Ageing.

C. Delporte, J. Kuiaté, J. Perret, 2017, Cardiovascular journal of Africa.

M. Piccart, D. Zardavas, E. de Azambuja, 2014, Ecancermedicalscience.