J. Prieto


M. C. Ferreras, V. Pérez, A. Balseiro, 2005, Journal of wildlife diseases.

C. Gortázar, Á. Oleaga, A. Balseiro, 2019, European Journal of Wildlife Research.

C. Gortázar, J. Vicente, F. Ruiz-Fons, 2010, BMC infectious diseases.

R. Delahay, C. Gortázar, I. Sevilla, 2011, Veterinary journal.

C. Gortázar, Á. Oleaga, A. Balseiro, 2019, European Journal of Wildlife Research.

A. Espí, J. Prieto, M. Álvarez, 2000, Epidemiology and Infection.

J. R. de los Toyos, A. Podadera, F. Parra, 2018, Journal of virological methods.