J. Hamrle


B. Hillebrands, M. Jourdan, S. Trudel, 2008, 0810.0838.

J. Sinova, T. Jungwirth, P. Němec, 2013, 1308.5907.

B. Hillebrands, G. Jakob, S. Trudel, 2009 .

S. J. Hermsdoerfer, B. Hillebrands, M. Oogane, 2007, 0708.3303.

Kazuhito Tsukagoshi, Takashi Kimura, Yoshinobu Aoyagi, 2004 .

T. Kimura, Y. Otani, J. Hamrle, 2005, INTERMAG Asia 2005. Digests of the IEEE International Magnetics Conference, 2005..

T. Kimura, Y. Otani, J. Hamrle, 2005, IEEE transactions on magnetics.

T. Kuschel, Robin Silber, J. Hamrle, 2022, 2205.08298.

M. Veis, J. Hamrle, O. Stejskal, 2021, Scientific Reports.

T. Kimura, Y. Otani, J. Hamrle, 2005, cond-mat/0505766.

M. Veis, J. Hamrle, O. Stejskal, 2021, Scientific reports.

Nuno Alves de Sousa, P. Vavassori, M. Schultze, 2022, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics.

Y. Aoyagi, K. Tsukagoshi, T. Kimura, 2004, cond-mat/0410228.

L. Matějová, K. M. Kutláková, O. Životský, 2019, Materials Research Bulletin.

P. Kužel, T. Jungwirth, R. Campion, 2017, 1712.01007.

J. Pistora, Robin Silber, J. Hamrle, 2018, Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications.

K. Postava, D. Lukáš, O. Životský, 2012 .

J. Wollschläger, T. Kuschel, R. Antoš, 2019, Physical Review B.

T. Kuschel, M. Veis, Robin Silber, 2018, Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications.

G. Eilers, M. Munzenberg, B. Lenk, 2008, 0803.3686.

B. Hillebrands, S. Trudel, Y. Ando, 2011 .

B. Hillebrands, M. Jourdan, R. Schafer, 2006, cond-mat/0606542.

B. Hillebrands, S. Trudel, H. Schultheiss, 2010, The Review of scientific instruments.

Kamil Postava, Claudia Felser, Jaromír Pištora, 2011 .

Takashi Kimura, Jaroslav Hamrle, Yoshichika Otani, 2006 .

T. Kimura, Y. Otani, J. Hamrle, 2005, INTERMAG Asia 2005. Digests of the IEEE International Magnetics Conference, 2005..

Naomichi Okamoto, Masahiro Horie, Tomuo Yamaguchi, 2005, SPIE Advanced Lithography.

H. Ohno, S. Fukami, A. Thiaville, 2020, Physical review B.

A. Serga, B. Hillebrands, Y. Otani, 2010, Physical review letters.

M. Veis, J. Hamrle, Ondřej Stejskal, 2023, PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS.

B. MacCraith, L Polerecký, J Hamrle, 2000, Applied optics.