K. Echtay


M. Klingenberg, K. Echtay, Martin Klingenberg, 2001, Biochimica et biophysica acta.

Robin A. J. Smith, M. Brand, M. Murphy, 2002, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

M. Klingenberg, E. Winkler, K. Echtay, 2000, Nature.

A. J. Lambert, M. Portero-Otín, R. Pamplona, 2003, The EMBO journal.

M. Brand, C. Clarke, Telma C Esteves, 2004, The Biochemical journal.

K. Echtay, 2007, Free radical biology & medicine.

A. J. Lambert, M. Brand, M. Murphy, 2004, Biochemical Society symposium.

M. Brand, M. Jekabsons, K. Echtay, 2002, The Biochemical journal.

M. Brand, K. Echtay, Martin D. Brand, 2001, Biochemical Society transactions.

M. Brand, I. Arechaga, M. Jekabsons, 2003, Journal of bioenergetics and biomembranes.

K. Echtay, J. Usta, Omar El-Rifai, 2013, Toxicology in vitro : an international journal published in association with BIBRA.

M. Brand, K. Echtay, 2007, Redox report : communications in free radical research.

G. Bahr, K. Echtay, N. El-Jamal, 2009, Clinical and experimental immunology.

J. Stuart, M. Brand, J. Clapham, 2002, Nature.

F. Kamp, M. Bienengraeber, E. Winkler, 2018, Archives of biochemistry and biophysics.

E. R. Taylor, C. Cooper, H. M. Cochemé, 2003, Journal of Biological Chemistry.

G. Bahr, Jessy J Fadel, Georges M Bahr, 2018, Journal of cellular biochemistry.

M. Klingenberg, E. Winkler, K. Echtay, 2001, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

M. Klingenberg, E. Winkler, K. Echtay, 1999, FEBS letters.

M. Klingenberg, E. Winkler, K. Echtay, 2000, Nature.