M. Likhanov


Ilya Zakharov, S. Malykh, Y. Kovas, 2017, ICPE 2017.

G. Costantini, Victoria Ismatullina, Y. Kovas, 2022, The British journal of educational psychology.

Ilya Zakharov, Y. Kovas, R. Chapman, 2018, Journal of Community Genetics.

Y. Kovas, M. Likhanov, E. Tsigeman, 2021, Sibirskiy Psikhologicheskiy Zhurnal.

Daniel Müllensiefen, Y. Kovas, Nicolas Ruth, 2023, Psychology of Music.

Ilya Zakharov, Y. Kovas, R. Chapman, 2018, Journal of Community Genetics.

Y. Kovas, M. Likhanov, O. Bogdanova, 2023, Scientific Reports.

Daniel Müllensiefen, K. Frieler, Y. Kovas, 2022, PloS one.

Y. Kovas, R. Chapman, Fatos Selita, 2023, New Genetics and Society.

Y. Kovas, Ana-Maria Olteţeanu, M. Likhanov, 2019, Front. Psychol..

M. Likhanov, Teemu Toivainen, Kim van Broekhoven, 2023, The Journal of Creative Behavior.

M. Likhanov, E. Tsigeman, Y. Kovas, 2023, The Education and science journal.

Y. Kovas, A. Budakova, M. Likhanov, 2023, Heliyon.

S. Malykh, A. Budakova, M. Likhanov, 2017, ICPE 2017.