S. Weizman


H. Hermesh, Abraham Weizman, J. Meyerovitch, 2020, Psychiatry Research.

Amir Fruman, S. Weizman, A. Shelef, 2020, International clinical psychopharmacology.

S. Weizman, A. Shelef, Sagit Dahan, 2022, Journal of evaluation in clinical practice.

X. Gonda, P. Dome, G. Faludi, 2012, Neuropsychopharmacologia Hungarica : a Magyar Pszichofarmakologiai Egyesulet lapja = official journal of the Hungarian Association of Psychopharmacology.

R. Stryjer, S. Weizman, A. Shelef, 2023, Clinical neuropharmacology.

S. Gur, S. Weizman, Haggai Hermesh, 2023, Cambridge Prisms: Global Mental Health.