I. Suárez


Nico Pfeifer, Michael S. Seaman, Florian Klein, 2018, Nature.

J. Rybniker, G. Fätkenheuer, I. Suárez, 2020, Clinical Microbiology Reviews.

R. Reimer, C. Lehmann, J. Rybniker, 2019, The Lancet. Infectious diseases.

S. Rosenkranz, L. Gieselmann, M. Hallek, 2021, The Lancet Regional Health - Europe.

M. Lässig, R. Kaiser, H. Jomaa, 2022, Nature Communications.

N. Suttorp, P. Schommers, L. Sander, 2022, Emerging infectious diseases.

C. Lehmann, J. Rybniker, G. Fätkenheuer, 2017, Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America.

Nico Pfeifer, Florian Klein, Michel C Nussenzweig, 2018, Nature Medicine.

J. Rybniker, C. Bruns, H. Alakus, 2018, Clinical case reports.

S. Kröger, J. Rybniker, G. Fätkenheuer, 2019, Deutsches Arzteblatt international.

Mathias W Pletz, B. Salzberger, S. Hagel, 2019, Infection.

C. Lehmann, J. Rybniker, J. Heyckendorf, 2020, Infection.

M. Hallek, C. Lehmann, M. Augustin, 2021, Medicine.

M. Exner, M. Scheyerer, G. Wiesmüller, 2021, The Journal of hospital infection.

T. Rolling, F. van Leth, T. Goldmann, 2021, European Respiratory Journal.

M. Hallek, G. Wiesmüller, P. Schommers, 2020, Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin.

J. Rybniker, J. Heyckendorf, R. Otto-Knapp, 2022, European Respiratory Journal.