C. Baptistotte


M. Marcovaldi, G. Lopez, J. C. Thomé, 2016, Environment, Development and Sustainability.

C. Canal, M. Werneck, M. W. de Ataíde, 2014, Diseases of aquatic organisms.

Paulo C. R. Barata, S. L. Mendes, C. Baptistotte, 2009, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom.

P. Horta, H. Pinheiro, A. Martins, 2011, Marine pollution bulletin.

G. Amato, E. Naro‐Maciel, M. Marcovaldi, 2012, The Journal of heredity.

T. Work, C. Baptistotte, Marcelo Renan de Deus Santos, 2015, Diseases of aquatic organisms.