G. Springer


G. Springer, R. E. Horton, 1969, The Journal of clinical investigation.

G. Springer, G. Bernardi, 1962, The Journal of biological chemistry.

G. Springer, 1970, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

B. Jirgensons, G. Springer, P. Desai, 1970, Comparative biochemistry and physiology.

A. Bezkorovainy, G. Springer, P. Desai, 1971, Biochemistry.

G. Springer, Bao‐Le Wang, Sheila C. Carlstedt, 1997, The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society.

G. Springer, P. Desai, 1974, Biochemical and biophysical research communications.

M. Ghazizadeh, G. Springer, P. Desai, 1995, Cancer detection and prevention.

V. Schirrmacher, G. Springer, P. Desai, 1983, The Journal of biological chemistry.

M. Murthy, G. Springer, P. Desai, 1977, Clinical immunology and immunopathology.

G. Springer, P. Desai, I. Banatwala, 1975, Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

H. Schachter, S. Narasimhan, G. Springer, 1976, Naturwissenschaften.

M. Kaufman, G. Springer, B. L. Wang, 1996, The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry : official journal of the Histochemistry Society.

G. Springer, H. Tegtmeyer, Herta Tegtmeyer, 1981, British journal of haematology.

G. Springer, N. Ansell, 1958, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

G. Springer, R. E. Horton, M. Forbes, 1959, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

J. Adye, G. Springer, 1975, Infection and immunity.

G. Springer, Georg F. Springer, Kathryn Feeny, 1956, Journal of immunology.

G. Springer, W. Brandes, P. Williamson, 1961, The Journal of experimental medicine.

G. Springer, H. Wurzel, N. Ansell, 1957, Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine.

G. Springer, P. Williamson, 1962 .

A. Gilman‐Sachs, O. Kucuk, G. Springer, 1996, American journal of hematology.

K. Aihara, G. Springer, T. Araki, 1990, American journal of clinical pathology.

G. Springer, P. Desai, Desai Pr, 1995, Journal of immunological methods.

G. Springer, C. Taylor, N. Barr, 1989, Cancer.

J. Adye, G. Springer, P. Desai, 1974, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

E. Scanlon, M. Murthy, G. Springer, 1979, Journal of surgical oncology.

G. Springer, P. Desai, 1974, Annals of clinical and laboratory science.

R. Jeanloz, J. F. Codington, G. Springer, 1972, Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

G. Springer, Y. Nagai, H. Tegtmeyer, 1966, Biochemistry.

G. Springer, R. E. Horton, M. Forbes, 1959, The Journal of experimental medicine.

G. Springer, E. Wang, J. H. Nichols, 1966, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

S. Metcalfe, G. Springer, P. Desai, 1987, Naturwissenschaften.

G. Springer, 1959 .

M. Stone, M. Stone, G. F. Springer, 1965 .

E. Scanlon, G. Springer, P. Desai, 1995, Cancer detection and prevention.

G. Springer, H. Tegtmeyer, 1974, Klinische Wochenschrift.

G. Springer, H. Tegtmeyer, 1974, Vox sanguinis.

E. Scanlon, M. Murthy, G. Springer, 1976, Naturwissenschaften.

A. Bezkorovainy, G. Springer, K. Hotta, 1966, Biochimica et biophysica acta.

G. Springer, P. Williamson, Dm P. Williamson, 1962, The Biochemical journal.

G. Springer, R. E. Horton, 1964, The Journal of general physiology.

G. Springer, P. Desai, 1966, Naturwissenschaften.

M. Fletcher, G. Springer, H. Schwick, 1969, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

M. Rapaport, G. Springer, M. Rapaport, 1957, Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine.

J. Adye, A. Bezkorovainy, G. Springer, 1973, The Journal of infectious diseases.

M. Ingelman-Sundberg, E. Baulieu, J. Wittliff, 1989, Progress in Clinical Biochemistry and Medicine.

J. Adye, B. Jirgensons, A. Bezkorovainy, 1974, Biochemistry.

E. Neter, G. Springer, S. Huprikar, 1970, Infection and immunity.

E. Neter, G. Springer, H. Whang, 1970, Zeitschrift fur Immunitatsforschung, Allergie und klinische Immunologie.

W. Fry, E. Scanlon, G. Springer, 1985, Cancer detection and prevention.

G. Springer, P. Williamson, Barbara L. Readler, 1962, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

G. Springer, H. Callahan, 1965, The Journal of laboratory and clinical medicine.

Jacobus Henricus van’t Hoff, G. Springer, 1999, Lost Souls.

P. Gyorgy, C. S. Rose, G. Springer, 1954, The Journal of laboratory and clinical medicine.

B. Jirgensons, G. Springer, Georg F. Springer, 1968, Science.

P. Terasaki, K. Mittal, F. C. Mcintire, 1975, Zeitschrift fur Immunitatsforschung, experimentelle und klinische Immunologie.

G. Springer, P. Desai, J. Ignatoff, 2004, Naturwissenschaften.

Georg F. Springer, Jacobus Henricus van’t Hoff, G. Springer, 1967, Molecular Biology Biochemistry and Biophysics / Molekularbiologie Biochemie und Biophysik.

B. Jirgensons, G. Springer, P. Desai, 1975, Immunological communications.

G. Springer, N. J. Hahn, 1962, Bibliotheca haematologica.

G. Springer, Norma J. Ansell-Hahn, 2004, Naturwissenschaften.

J. Kirschbaum, G. Springer, 1975, Immunochemistry.

E. Scanlon, G. Springer, P. Desai, 1985 .

G. Springer, H. Tegtmeyer, 1980, Naturwissenschaften.

H. W. Ruelius, G. Springer, N. Ansell, 2004, Naturwissenschaften.

V. Schirrmacher, G. Springer, P. Desai, 1983, Naturwissenschaften.