M. Boyd


S. Neville, Jeffery Adams, G. Bellamy, 2015, International journal of older people nursing.

M. Gott, R. Frey, Jackie Robinson, 2016, Health & social care in the community.

J. Koziol-Mclain, N. Kerse, K. Yates, 2008, Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine.

M. Gott, R. Frey, Jackie Robinson, 2017, International journal of palliative nursing.

G. Mulley, M. Boyd, C. Bowman, 2014 .

M. Gott, L. Williams, A. Collier, 2020, Dementia.

N. Kerse, J. Broad, R. Lay-Yee, 2011, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

G. Mulley, M. Boyd, C. Bowman, 2014 .

D. Balmer, A. Collier, J. Hikaka, 2022, Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research.

M. Gott, R. Frey, D. Balmer, 2020, Kōtuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online.

M. Gott, R. Frey, Jackie Robinson, 2017, Nurse education in practice.

N. Kerse, M. Gott, J. Broad, 2014, Australasian journal on ageing.

A. Collier, M. Boyd, C. Aitken, 2020, Palliative medicine.

D. Bramley, J. Broad, J. Hikaka, 2021, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

J. Koziol-Mclain, N. Kerse, G. Robb, 2008, Age and ageing.

M. Boyd, K. Bloomfield, Edmund Pan, 2019, International journal of older people nursing.

G. Mulley, M. Boyd, C. Bowman, 2014 .

K. Peri, Y. Stillwell, M. Boyd, 2013 .

N. Kerse, R. Frey, D. Raphael, 2021, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

M. J. Gagan, M. Boyd, Kenneth Wysocki, 2014, Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners.

J. Parsons, Moira Smith, M. Boyd, 2022, Nursing Older People.

J. Parsons, J. Montayre, M. Boyd, 2021, Journal of gerontological nursing.

G. Mulley, M. Boyd, C. Bowman, 2014 .

M. Gott, R. Frey, D. Balmer, 2019, International journal of older people nursing.

D. Bramley, J. Broad, J. Hikaka, 2023, Australasian journal on ageing.

S. Cullum, G. Cheung, M. Boyd, 2019, International journal of geriatric psychiatry.

S. Adams, T. Tenbensel, J. Carryer, 2020, The New Zealand medical journal.

D. Balmer, M. Connolly, M. Boyd, 2019, Seminars in Old Age Psychiatry.

J. Broad, M. Connolly, J. Hikaka, 2020, International Psychogeriatrics.

M. Gott, R. Frey, D. Balmer, 2019, Health & social care in the community.

T. Lumley, N. Kerse, J. Broad, 2014, The New Zealand medical journal.

S. Neville, Jeffery Adams, G. Bellamy, 2015, International journal of older people nursing.

J. Broad, J. Hikaka, M. Boyd, 2022, Health & social care in the community.

D. Bramley, J. Broad, J. Hikaka, 2021, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.