B. Tekin


I. Altunay, T. Uzunçakmak, E. Kocaturk, 2018, Pediatric dermatology.

T. Ergun, E. Alpsoy, E. Karakoc‐Aydiner, 2017, The Australasian journal of dermatology.

O. Sarig, E. Sprecher, Filippo Beleggia, 2016, International journal of dermatology.

T. Ergun, L. Cinel, H. Direskeneli, 2015, Indian journal of dermatology, venereology and leprology.

T. Ergun, C. Demirkesen, W. Kempf, 2016, The American Journal of dermatopathology.

A. Bridges, Nicholas Boire, K. Shah, 2020, Journal of cutaneous pathology.

R. Happle, B. Tekin, D. Yucelten, 2016, Acta dermato-venereologica.

M. Gurel, B. Tekin, S. Uzun, 2020, Clinics in dermatology.

E. Yıldız, U. Erdemir, B. Tekin, 2017, Nigerian journal of clinical practice.

B. Tekin, P. Güneş, D. Seckin, 2020, Photodermatology, photoimmunology & photomedicine.

C. Demirkesen, B. Tekin, M. Gürel, 2018, Cutis.

T. Ergun, G. Ekinci, B. Tekin, 2015, Pediatric dermatology.

Bonnie Lee, B. Tekin, Yali Song, 2020, The American Journal of dermatopathology.

B. Tekin, M. Gürel, A. T. Turgut Erdemir, 2018, Turkiye parazitolojii dergisi.

T. Uzunçakmak, B. Tekin, F. Cebeci, 2017 .

B. Tekin, B. Sacak, Gulcicek Ayranci, 2016, International journal of trichology.

C. Demirkesen, İ. Şimşek, B. Tekin, 2016, Indian journal of dermatology, venereology and leprology.

B. Tekin, R. Quinton, F. Righi, 2021, The American journal of forensic medicine and pathology.

A. Karadağ, B. Tekin, Mahmut Can Koska, 2017, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.

T. Ergun, A. Zlotogorski, V. Molho-Pessach, 2015, Acta dermato-venereologica.

T. Uzunçakmak, B. Tekin, Hulya Guc Ozmen, 2017, Postgraduate Medical Journal.

B. Tekin, T. Zenginkinet, E.S. Denli Yalvac, 2017, The British journal of dermatology.

R. Betz, E. Kıykım, B. Tekin, 2015, Indian journal of dermatology, venereology and leprology.

A. Salman, B. Tekin, D. Yucelten, 2017, Indian journal of dermatology.

J. Kirkland, D. Jurk, T. Tchkonia, 2023, Aging.

L. Cinel, C. Demirkesen, A. Salman, 2015, The Journal of dermatology.

J. Cheville, A. Dispenzieri, Sounak Gupta, 2023, American journal of clinical pathology.

T. Uzunçakmak, B. Tekin, T. Zenginkinet, 2019, Cutis.

A. Karadağ, E. Şenel, E. Ozlu, 2020, Giornale italiano di dermatologia e venereologia : organo ufficiale, Societa italiana di dermatologia e sifilografia.

M. Gurel, B. Tekin, S. Uzun, 2020, Clinics in dermatology.

M. Peters, A. Kalaaji, N. Comfere, 2022, Human pathology.

T. Ergun, P. Yumuk, A. Salman, 2016, The Journal of dermatology.

T. Ergun, A. Salman, B. Tekin, 2017, Indian journal of dermatology, venereology and leprology.

J. Cheville, B. Leibovich, Sounak Gupta, 2023, Human pathology.