P. Brantner


B. Stieltjes, J. Sperl, G. Sommer, 2022, Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine.

Safak Korkut, T. Heye, Jonas Lutz, 2020, AJR. American journal of roentgenology.

Philipp Honigmann, Bilal Msallem, Philipp Brantner, 2020, Journal of clinical medicine.

E. Merkle, D. Boll, Joshy Cyriac, 2021, Radiology.

Kenneth C. Wang, Amy E. Alexander, N. Wake, 2021, 3D Printing in Medicine.

B. Stieltjes, J. Sperl, G. Sommer, 2021, Quantitative imaging in medicine and surgery.

N. Sharma, F. Thieringer, P. Brantner, 2021, Frontiers in Physiology.

E. Scheurer, K. Alt, C. Knipper, 2020, Scientific Reports.