Linpeng Wei


Ye Chen, Chengbo Yin, Linpeng Wei, 2019, Journal of biomedical optics.

Kivanc Kose, Milind Rajadhyaksha, Chengbo Yin, 2020, Journal of biophotonics.

Lawrence D. True, Chengbo Yin, Adam K. Glaser, 2017, Nature Biomedical Engineering.

Yu Wang, Eric J. Seibel, Chengbo Yin, 2019, Biophotonics Congress: Optics in the Life Sciences Congress 2019 (BODA,BRAIN,NTM,OMA,OMP).

Chengbo Yin, Linpeng Wei, Jonathan T. C. Liu, 2019, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics.