I. Henoch


C. Löfdahl, A. Ekberg-Jansson, I. Henoch, 2016, International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Carina Lundh Hagelin, A. Sandgren, Maja Holm, 2016, Scandinavian journal of caring sciences.

M. Gustafsson, I. Henoch, 2003, International journal of palliative nursing.

E. Danielson, B. Bergman, M. Gustafsson, 2008, European journal of oncology nursing : the official journal of European Oncology Nursing Society.

B. Bergman, F. Gaston‐Johansson, I. Henoch, 2006, Journal of pain and symptom management.

A. Smits, A. Ozanne, B. Rydenhag, 2022, Acta neurologica Scandinavica.

P. Strang, C. Löfdahl, A. Ekberg-Jansson, 2020, International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

P. Strang, C. Löfdahl, A. Ekberg-Jansson, 2020 .

I. Fridh, A. Ozanne, E. Jakobsson Ung, 2015, Scandinavian journal of caring sciences.

Kina Hammarlund, C. Prahl, I. Bergh, 2014, International journal of palliative nursing.

K. Ulin, H. Wijk, M. Lepp, 2019, Nursing inquiry.

M. Browall, Kina Hammarlund, Jane Österlind, 2017, Nurse education in practice.

Kina Hammarlund, C. Prahl, Jane Österlind, 2016, Nurse education today.

M. Browall, E. Danielson, I. Henoch, 2010, Palliative and Supportive Care.

I. Henoch, I. Benkel, C. Berg, 2016, The American journal of hospice & palliative care.

Karin Ahlberg, Viveka Andersson, S. Bergman, 2017, Scandinavian journal of pain.

Jane Österlind, I. Henoch, 2019, Journal of advanced nursing.

Jane Österlind, I. Henoch, 2020, Nursing philosophy : an international journal for healthcare professionals.

A. Ekberg-Jansson, I. Henoch, S. Strang, 2013, Palliative and Supportive Care.

E. Danielson, B. Bergman, I. Henoch, 2008, Psycho-oncology.

C. Löfdahl, A. Ekberg-Jansson, I. Henoch, 2016, European clinical respiratory journal.

I. Fridh, R. Sawatzky, E. Jakobsson Ung, 2014, Research in nursing & health.

M. Browall, E. Danielson, I. Henoch, 2015, Palliative and Supportive Care.

I. Henoch, S. Strang, Ramona Schenell, 2020, International Journal for Human Caring.

I. Fridh, K. Falk, J. Öhlén, 2016, Journal of nursing scholarship : an official publication of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing.

Carina Lundh Hagelin, M. Browall, Jane Österlind, 2018, International journal of palliative nursing.

Kina Hammarlund, C. Prahl, Jane Österlind, 2014, International journal of palliative nursing.

R. Olofsson Bagge, I. Henoch, C. Wallengren, 2019, European journal of cancer care.

M. Browall, E. Danielson, I. Henoch, 2014, European journal of oncology nursing : the official journal of European Oncology Nursing Society.

Carina Lundh Hagelin, M. Browall, Kina Hammarlund, 2016, International journal of palliative nursing.

I. Fridh, E. Jakobsson Ung, E. Kenne Sarenmalm, 2014, Nurse education in practice.

Carina Lundh Hagelin, M. Browall, I. Henoch, 2021, Nurse education today.

C. Tishelman, B. Wilde-Larsson, M. Lövgren, 2012, Journal of clinical nursing.

I. Henoch, S. Strang, J. Hermansson, 2020, British Journal of Guidance & Counselling.

P. Strang, C. Löfdahl, A. Ekberg-Jansson, 2019, Upsala journal of medical sciences.

M. Lövgren, I. Henoch, 2014, European journal of oncology nursing : the official journal of European Oncology Nursing Society.

I. Henoch, S. Strang, Anneli Ozanne, 2018, International journal of palliative nursing.

R. Olofsson Bagge, I. Henoch, C. Wallengren, 2022, Evaluation and program planning.