I. Gómez-Soria


C. Salavera, E. Calatayud, I. Gómez-Soria, 2021, International journal of environmental research and public health.

Beatriz Rodríguez-Roca, C. Salavera, E. Calatayud, 2021, Sustainability.

Isabel Iguacel, E. Latorre, Alejandra Aguilar-Latorre, 2022, Archives of gerontology and geriatrics.

E. Latorre, E. Calatayud, I. Gómez-Soria, 2022, Journal of applied gerontology : the official journal of the Southern Gerontological Society.

F. Plo, I. Gómez-Soria, P. Peralta-Marrupe, 2020, Dementia & neuropsychologia.

E. Calatayud, I. Gómez-Soria, Á. Gasch-Gallén, 2021, International journal of environmental research and public health.

Chelo Ferreira, Alejandra Aguilar-Latorre, B. Oliván-Blázquez, 2023, Archives of gerontology and geriatrics.

E. Latorre, I. Gómez-Soria, P. Peralta-Marrupe, 2021, Archives of gerontology and geriatrics.

A. B. Subirón-Valera, E. Calatayud, I. Gómez-Soria, 2021, International journal of environmental research and public health.

Chelo Ferreira, Alejandra Aguilar-Latorre, B. Oliván-Blázquez, 2023 .

C. Jiménez-Sánchez, E. Calatayud, I. Gómez-Soria, 2022, Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation.

Chelo Ferreira, Alejandra Aguilar-Latorre, B. Oliván-Blázquez, 2023, Journal of applied gerontology : the official journal of the Southern Gerontological Society.

A. B. Subirón-Valera, C. Salavera, E. Calatayud, 2023, International journal of environmental research and public health.

A. B. Subirón-Valera, E. Calatayud, I. Gómez-Soria, 2023, Frontiers in psychology.

Isabel Iguacel, E. Latorre, E. Calatayud, 2023, Archives of gerontology and geriatrics.