I. Kalmar


G. Janssens, S. van Weyenberg, E. Abd El-khalek, 2009, Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition.

D. Vanrompay, K. Laroucau, F. Vorimore, 2014, Journal of medical microbiology.

K. Peremans, C. Moons, K. Hermans, 2012, Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science : JAALAS.

J. Buyse, Q. Swennen, G. Janssens, 2013, Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition.

M. Hesta, G. Janssens, S. van Weyenberg, 2009, Veterinary Record.

F. Pasmans, R. Ducatelle, G. Janssens, 2011, Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition.

D. Vanrompay, G. Janssens, I. Kalmar, 2013, Veterinary journal.

F. Pasmans, G. Janssens, R. Ducatelle, 2012, Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition.

N. De Regge, S. Roels, D. Vanrompay, 2015, Infection ecology & epidemiology.

G. Janssens, C. Moons, I. Kalmar, 2007, Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science : JAALAS.

D. Vanrompay, L. Yin, I. Kalmar, 2013, Revue scientifique et technique.

D. Vanrompay, P. Tavernier, I. Kalmar, 2013, Vector borne and zoonotic diseases.

D. Vanrompay, I. Kalmar, L. Dossche, 2014, Veterinary journal.

D. Vanrompay, I. Kalmar, E. De Clercq, 2013, Infection and Immunity.

D. Vanrompay, L. Yin, D. Longbottom, 2014 .

R. Ducatelle, G. Janssens, I. Kalmar, 2011, Biological Trace Element Research.