Euitae Kim


Euitae Kim, Jeongki Lee, Joonyoung Park, 2010 .

Jun Soo Kwon, Euitae Kim, Joon Hwan Jang, 2011, The Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry.

Jae Sung Lee, Jun Soo Kwon, Euitae Kim, 2012, Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism.

Jun Soo Kwon, Euitae Kim, Charalampos Tsoumpas, 2013, Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism.

Mark Slifstein, Euitae Kim, Shitij Kapur, 2012, Archives of general psychiatry.