B. Breton


S. Uzbekova, P. Prunet, P. Alestrøm, 2000, Journal of molecular endocrinology.

O. Kah, S. Dufour, S. Baloche, 1989, Fish Physiology & Biochemistry.

B. Jalabert, J. Baroiller, F. Glasser, 2004, General and comparative endocrinology.

Y. Zohar, B. Jalabert, A. Fostier, 1983 .

H. Vaudry, A. Fasolo, B. Jenks, 1990, Fundamental & clinical pharmacology.

T. Andersson, L. Förlin, A. Fostier, 1993, Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology.

B. Breton, 1981, General and comparative endocrinology.

A. Fostier, B. Breton, 1975, Journal of steroid biochemistry.

B. Jalabert, A. Fostier, F. Goetz, 1987, Fish Physiology and Biochemistry.

O. Kah, A. Calas, J. Núñez Rodríguez, 1989, Biology of reproduction.

M. Legendre, A. Fostier, R. Billard, 1982, General and comparative endocrinology.

H. Vaudry, T. Mikołajczyk, J. Danger, 1989, Fish Physiology and Biochemistry.

C. Cauty, Y. Guiguen, J. Lareyre, 2001, Molecular reproduction and development.

T. Mikołajczyk, P. Epler, W. Popek, 1991, General and comparative endocrinology.

P. Prunet, P. Reinaud, B. Breton, 1978 .

A. Fostier, C. Weil, R. Billard, 1982 .

F. L. Gac, B. Breton, M. Bougoussa, 1988, Fish Physiology and Biochemistry.

B. Breton, É. Sambroni, Bernard Breton, 1996, General and comparative endocrinology.

J. Lareyre, B. Breton, É. Sambroni, 2003, Fish Physiology and Biochemistry.

F. Le Gac, B. Breton, É. Sambroni, 1986, General and comparative endocrinology.

R. Billard, B. Breton, 1978 .

V. Bye, R. Billard, B. Breton, 1980, General and comparative endocrinology.

R. Peter, D. Mackenzie, B. Breton, 1987, General and comparative endocrinology.

R. Peter, B. Breton, C. R. Paulencu, 1982 .

P. Epler, W. Popek, B. Breton, 1985, Chronobiology international.

R. Billard, B. Breton, M. Richard, 1976, Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de l'Academie des sciences. Serie D: Sciences naturelles.

C. Weil, T. Mikołajczyk, P. Epler, 1990, Reproduction, nutrition, development.

M. Govoroun, C. Weil, B. Breton, 1997, Comptes rendus de l'Academie des sciences. Serie III, Sciences de la vie.

B. Jalabert, C. Weil, R. Billard, 1972, Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de l'Academie des sciences. Serie D: Sciences naturelles.

S. Uzbekova, Y. Guiguen, J. Lareyre, 2001, Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part B, Biochemistry & molecular biology.

S. Uzbekova, Y. Guiguen, J. Lareyre, 2001, Molecular reproduction and development.

B. Jalabert, B. Breton, D. Szöllösi, 1978 .

Y. Ménézo, R. Billard, B. Breton, 1974, Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de l'Academie des sciences. Serie D: Sciences naturelles.

S. Uzbekova, P. Prunet, N. Maclean, 1998, Molecular marine biology and biotechnology.

B. Jalabert, R. Billard, B. Breton, 1973, Reproduction, nutrition, development.