H. Zwiers


F. Greten, R. Harvey, M. Darlison, 1997, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

F. Lorscheider, H. Zwiers, P. Palkiewicz, 1994, Journal of neurochemistry.

W. Gispen, H. Zwiers, V. Aloyo, 1982, Progress in Brain Research.

A. Nagy, H. Zwiers, P. J. Coggins, 1993, Journal of neurochemistry.

L. Burzio, D. Richter, K. Lederis, 1988, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

W. Gispen, H. Zwiers, C. J. van Dongen, 1984, The Biochemical journal.

W. Gispen, H. Zwiers, C. J. van Dongen, 1985, Analytical biochemistry.

H. Zwiers, K. Philibert, 1997 .

H. Zwiers, P. J. Coggins, 1990, Journal of neurochemistry.

W. Gispen, L. Dokas, H. Zwiers, 1984, Brain Research Bulletin.

M. Hollenberg, H. Zwiers, K. Philibert, 1997, Advances in experimental medicine and biology.

H. Zwiers, P. J. Coggins, 1991, Progress in brain research.

S. Finklestein, N. Perrone-Bizzozero, L. Benowitz, 1988, The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.

W. Gispen, V. Wiegant, H. Zwiers, 1981, Pharmacology & therapeutics.

H. Zwiers, P. J. Coggins, Henk Zwiers, 1991, Journal of neurochemistry.

W. Gispen, A. Oestreicher, H. Zwiers, 1985, Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology.

W. Gispen, V. Wiegant, A. Oestreicher, 1986 .

W. Gispen, P. Schotman, H. Zwiers, 1976, Neurochemical Research.

A. Oestreicher, H. Zwiers, G. Kristjansson, 1982, Journal of neurochemistry.

W. Gispen, L. Dokas, H. Zwiers, 1990, Brain Research Bulletin.

W. Gispen, P. de Graan, C. J. Dongen, 1985, Biochemical and biophysical research communications.

W. Gispen, H. Zwiers, V. Aloyo, 1982, Journal of neurochemistry.

W. Gispen, A. Oestreicher, H. Zwiers, 1982, Progress in brain research.

J. Jolles, W. Gispen, A. Oestreicher, 1982, Progress in brain research.

W. Gispen, V. Wiegant, P. Schotman, 1979, Journal of neurochemistry.

W. Gispen, M. Hershkowitz, H. Zwiers, 1982, Biochimica et biophysica acta.

W. Tetzlaff, K. Lederis, H. Zwiers, 1989, The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.

H. Zwiers, K. Philibert, 1995, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry.

M. Reith, W. Gispen, V. Wiegant, 1977, Advances in biochemical psychopharmacology.

J. Jolles, W. Gispen, A. Oestreicher, 1983 .

J. Heierhorst, W. Meyerhof, D. Richter, 1994, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

W. Meyerhof, D. Richter, W Meyerhof, 1996, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

G. Welling, J. Beintema, H. van Dijk, 1973, Nature: New biology.

M. Hollenberg, D. Severson, H. Zwiers, 1994, Biochemistry and cell biology = Biochimie et biologie cellulaire.

J. Beintema, H. Zwiers, A. Scheffer, 1973, European journal of biochemistry.

W. Tetzlaff, T. Reh, H. Zwiers, 1993, Journal of neurobiology.

H. Vogel, H. Zwiers, M. Zhang, 1994, Biochemistry and cell biology = Biochimie et biologie cellulaire.

P. Coleman, Á. Nagy, M. Martzen, 1993, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

W. Gispen, V. Wiegant, A. Oestreicher, 1978 .