R. Arief


A. M. Arymurthy, A. Setiyoko, R. Arief, 2018, 2018 International Conference on Signals and Systems (ICSigSys).

Suwarsono, I. Prasasti, J. T. Nugroho, 2020, Journal of Physics: Conference Series.

K. I. N. Rahmi, I. Prasasti, J. T. Nugroho, 2019, International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences (IJReSES).

Rokhmatuloh, Ardiansyah, I. Riyanto, 2022, Applied Sciences.

D. Fernando, G. P. Dinanta, A. Setiyoko, 2022, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Aerospace Electronics and Remote Sensing Technology (ICARES).

Orbita Roswintiarti, Rahmat Arief, Ita Carolita, 2020, Remote. Sens..

Kalamullah Ramli, Dodi Sudiana, Rahmat Arief, 2016 .

Kalamullah Ramli, Dodi Sudiana, Rahmat Arief, 2017 .

A. Setiyoko, R. Arief, D. A. Novresiandi, 2022, Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment.

S. E. Siwi, Z. Zylshal, A. Setiyoko, 2021, 2021 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (APSAR).

A. Herlambang, J. Sumantyo, D. Perissin, 2021, 2021 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (APSAR).

Suhermanto, R. Arief, H. S. Dyatmika, 2020, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

Rahmat Arief, Muchammad Soleh, R. Arief, 2017 .

D. Sudiana, I. Riyanto, H. Sudibyo, 2019, Journal of Physics: Conference Series.

Rahmat Arief, Novie Indriasari, Marendra Eko Budiono, 2020, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.