K. Uzieblo


C. Vandeviver, S. De Buyser, K. Uzieblo, 2021, Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies.

P. Bijttebier, K. Uzieblo, L. Verhofstadt, 2022, International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology.

Anne Groenen, K. Uzieblo, Emilie Michaux, 2017, Journal of interpersonal violence.

Bruno Verschuere, Geert Crombez, Ernst H. W. Koster, 2006 .

R. Snowden, D. Lynam, I. Brazil, 2020, Personality disorders.

J. Vanderfaeillie, J. Winter, G. Rossi, 2012, Behavioral sciences & the law.

S. Bogaerts, I. Jeandarme, P. Habets, 2015, Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities : JARID.

Steven M. Gillespie, Andrew Jones, E. Robinson, 2020, The Journal of Sexual Medicine.

K. Sijtsma, S. Lilienfeld, M. Cima, 2012, Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment.

J. Kampen, F. Van Den Eede, K. Wouters, 2017, Child abuse & neglect.

K. McCartan, W. Smid, K. Uzieblo, 2020, International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology.

G. Crombez, L. Goubert, L. Caes, 2012, The journal of pain : official journal of the American Pain Society.

S. Bogaerts, K. Uzieblo, C. Garofalo, 2018, International Journal of Forensic Mental Health.

G. Crombez, E. Van den Bussche, B. Verschuere, 2010, Assessment.

T. Loeys, O. De Smet, A. Buysse, 2015, Journal of Family Violence.

M. K. Vos, K. Uzieblo, Sarah J. Brown, 2022, Challenges in the Management of People Convicted of a Sexual Offence.

L. Verhofstadt, K. Uzieblo, Dagmar Stockman, 2020, International Journal of Forensic Mental Health.

J. Glennon, I. Brazil, Danique Smeijers, 2021, Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment.

J. Vanderfaeillie, J. Winter, G. Rossi, 2012, Behavioral sciences & the law.

J. Kampen, F. Van Den Eede, K. Wouters, 2017, Child abuse & neglect.

R. Snowden, D. Lynam, I. Brazil, 2020, Personality disorders.

Anne Groenen, K. Uzieblo, Emilie Michaux, 2017, Journal of Interpersonal Violence.