D. White


C. Gagnon, J. Eyer, D. White, 1990, The Biochemical journal.

C. Gagnon, E. de Lamirande, D. White, 2007, Journal of Experimental Biology.

S. Audebert, C. Gagnon, P. Huitorel, 1999, European journal of biochemistry.

C. Gagnon, J. Eyer, D. White, 1987, Biochemical and biophysical research communications.

C. Gagnon, P. Huitorel, L. Paturle, 1996, Journal of cell science.

T. Kitamoto, Raquel P. de Sousa Abreu, A. Blake, 2020, Neurochemistry International.

C. Gagnon, K. Johnson, S. Marchese-Ragona, 1987, Cell motility and the cytoskeleton.

C. Gagnon, P. Huitorel, J. Fouquet, 2002, Molecular reproduction and development.