W. Hinterberger


K. Wolff, O. Majdic, W. Knapp, 1984, The Journal of experimental medicine.

A. Reiner, E. Ogris, J. Hofmann, 1997, Experimental and clinical immunogenetics.

O. Haas, P. Valent, H. Greinix, 2011, Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation.

E. Ogris, T. Bauernhofer, M. Balic, 2007, Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine.

W. Hinterberger, M. Hinterberger-Fischer, M. Hinterberger‐Fischer, 2001, Expert opinion on biological therapy.

K. Geissler, L. Öhler, W. Hinterberger, 2003, Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift.

H. Schrezenmeier, G. Socié, E. Gluckman, 2006, Bone Marrow Transplantation.

K. Wolff, B. Volc-Platzer, T. Radaszkiewicz, 1988, The Journal of investigative dermatology.

O. Haas, K. Lechner, K. Geissler, 1988, Leukemia research.

I. Schwarzinger, K. Lechner, P. Bettelheim, 1990, Oncology.

W. Graninger, W. Hinterberger, W. Paukovits, 1983 .

W. Hinterberger, W. Paukovits, H. Kinast, 1979, Experimentelle Pathologie.

K. Kletter, P. Bais, W. Hinterberger, 2009, Scandinavian journal of haematology.

H. Shulman, W. Hinterberger, 1992, Bone marrow transplantation.

P. Ambros, P. Höcker, H. Gadner, 1990, Pediatric hematology and oncology.

H. Vierhapper, W. Hinterberger, 1993, Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift.

E. Ogris, C. Ausch, G. Hamilton, 2009, European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology.

W. Hinterberger, W. Paukovits, H. Kinast, 1978, Blut.

H. Gadner, G. Grabner, F. Skorpik, 1991, European journal of ophthalmology.

E. Ogris, C. Ausch, G. Hamilton, 2009, Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery.

H. Hönigsmann, K. Wolff, B. Volc-Platzer, 1990, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.

F. Stockenhuber, K. Geissler, P. Balcke, 1989 .

F. Stockenhuber, K. Lechner, K. Geissler, 1990, Kidney international.

K. Jellinger, P. Höcker, W. Gebhart, 1982, Blut.

O. Haas, H. Gadner, K. Lechner, 1986, Blut.

E. Neumann, H. Niessner, G. Stingl, 1983, Thrombosis and Haemostasis.

P. Höcker, W. Mayr, S. Panzer, 1987, Infusionstherapie und klinische Ernährung.

P. Höcker, H. Gadner, W. Hinterberger, 1989, Bone marrow transplantation.

S. Tarima, R. Gale, J. Passweg, 2009, Biology of blood and marrow transplantation : journal of the American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation.

W. Knapp, E. Neumann, K. Lechner, 1986, Virchows Archiv. B, Cell pathology including molecular pathology.

P. Valent, K. Lechner, E. Liehl, 1989, Blood.

K. Lechner, K. Geissler, W. Hinterberger, 1988, British Journal of Haematology.

E. Ogris, C. Ausch, A. Reiner-Concin, 2009, Colorectal disease : the official journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland.

K. Bauer, R. Ruckser, W. Hinterberger, 2005, Rheumatology International.

W. Hinterberger, 1991, Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift.

W. Rabitsch, H. Greinix, B. Volc-Platzer, 1999, Bone Marrow Transplantation.

V. Diehl, H. Gerhartz, J. Franklin, 1997, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

M. Muhm, K. Geissler, P. Bettelheim, 1989, Bone marrow transplantation.

R. Müller, O. Jürgenssen, W. Hinterberger, 2009, Scandinavian journal of haematology.

F. Stockenhuber, G. Sunder-Plassmann, K. Geissler, 1989, Transplantation proceedings.

K. Wolff, B. Volc-Platzer, G. Stingl, 1985 .

P. Valent, M. Kundi, P. Kalhs, 1992, Bone marrow transplantation.

W. Hinterberger, W. Paukovits, K. Mittermayer, 2009, Scandinavian journal of haematology.

U. Jäger, A. Chott, P. Ambros, 1988, Blut: Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Blutforschung.

F. Stockenhuber, K. Lechner, K. Geissler, 1989, Blood.

K. Bauer, R. Ruckser, W. Hinterberger, 1997, European journal of clinical chemistry and clinical biochemistry : journal of the Forum of European Clinical Chemistry Societies.

K. Lechner, K. Geissler, P. Wurnig, 1986, Acta haematologica.

O. Haas, W. Hinterberger, R. Mörz, 1988, American journal of hematology.

G. Haberhauer, W. Hinterberger, W. Fries, 1993, Clinical and experimental rheumatology.

E. Ogris, C. Ausch, V. Buxhofer-Ausch, 2009, European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology.

O. Laerum, W. Hinterberger, W. Paukovits, 1983, Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift fur physiologische Chemie.

P. Ferenci, W. Hinterberger, W. Paukovits, 1979, Experientia.

R. Gale, C. Dvorak, M. Eapen, 2023, Leukemia.